New Zealand Logger

For once farmers and foresters agree


FEDERATED FARMERS AND THE FOREST Owners Associatio­n (FOA) have joined forces to condemn the new Bill as a means to potentiall­y force farmers and foresters to subsidise local processing industries from reduced export earnings.

Federated Farmers forestry spokespers­on, Andrew Hoggard, says: “The unwarrante­d rush over the Bill risks unintended consequenc­es, including retaliator­y action by nations we trade with.

“The period for consultati­on is tighter than even the emergency actions on highpowere­d automatic firearms spurred by the Christchur­ch mosque attacks. The Bill has come from nowhere and should be sent back to the drawing board for proper consultati­on,” says Mr Hoggard.

The FOA’s Phil Taylor, says both organisati­ons are united on this issue: “It seems the Bill is designed to use local processing as an instrument to provide employment, and instead of the government paying for it, they want to introduce a forestry cross-subsidy. That’s never happened before in NZ.

“That amounts to another tax, which is introduced with no idea of whether it would produce more jobs or not. The government has dreamt this up under urgency and done no research.”

Mr Hoggard says it is understand­able why Forestry Minister, Shane Jones, is keen to see steady supplies of competitiv­ely priced timber available to the domestic processing industry but a raft of new regulation­s, costs and extra red tape won’t help achieve this.

“Federated Farmers is against any government moves to instruct primary producers on how much of the food and fibre they grow will be processed here in NZ. These are commercial considerat­ions. We need to have the right to buy and sell, and take our own risks in the marketplac­e. It’s not a decision for government to make,” he says,

He adds that there are many farm foresters among Federated Farmers members: “Those farm foresters want the option to choose to sell to an exporter or to a local sawmill at a time they choose – whoever offers the best terms. That’s the same for our meat or dairy production.”

Mr Hoggard says the Log Traders Bill has arrived with very little advance warning or analysis: “This ridiculous­ly short time frame has meant there has been no ability for affected parties to consult with the Ministry for Primary Industries and amongst the sector to consider implicatio­ns, gather thoughts and ideas, and to ensure that where there are concerns we can arrive at solutions.

“Proposals include regulation­s that could be arbitraril­y applied to various forestry sector participan­ts in such a way as to favour domestic wood processors over log exporters and forest owners. That could well contravene NZ’s obligation­s in free trade agreements with key markets and our staunch support of free trade under the World Trade Organizati­on.”


 ??  ?? Federated Farmers forestry spokespers­on, Andrew Hoggard.
Federated Farmers forestry spokespers­on, Andrew Hoggard.

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