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It’s a simple and great concept - Josh Thomson and fellow comedians (Dai Henwood, Urzila Carlson, Jeremy Corbett etc) get together and read the regular emails sent by Thomson’s father, David. This is his way of checking in with his kids and letting them know he’s ok after the death of Thomson’s mother.

Subject: Dad humorous but heart-warming, personal but relatable. While the situations are specific to Thomson’s dad and the family farm in Timaru, we’ve all had messages from parents that have left us scratching our heads or roaring with laughter. Each section is seven minutes long which is the perfect amount of time to dissect one funny email. And adding drama to the humour, the show also features reenactmen­ts, with Thomson taking crew to the farm to film his dad acting out the emails. With Thomson no longer a full-time host on The Project, this outlandish production gives him a space to use his comedic and acting chops. Buoyed along by David’s enthusiasm (and genius), and the banter between Thomson and his comedic pals, this charming show is not to be missed.

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