New Zealand Surfing



Last issue we featured an interview with Richard Christie and his aspiration­s to keep his pro-surfing World Tour dream alive, despite not having a major financial sponsor. Ric stated that he would do whatever it took and was focused on finding a way forward. So often you hear a lot of talk and no action in this world, but Ric has hit the New Year running with an epic third place in the Breaka Pro held at Queensland's Burleigh Point. After punching through the work at Gisborne's Blitz surf shop for the last six months and coaching a group of local aspiring groms, Ric managed to save enough funds to self- fund a start to the 2013 tour taking a ‘one event at a time’ approach. The idea to back himself and win enough money to possibly fund entry and travel to the next event has paid dividends with Ric earning a cool USD$4250 with his placing. From all accounts thousands of Kiwi supporters logged on to watch Ric compete online and hundreds were on hand cheering for their home boy from the Burleigh Point. Ric represente­d NZ proudly and on his way to third took down some of the best surfers in the world finishing ahead of the legendary Mick Fanning. What was dishearten­ing to see was the fact that every surfer that Ric went up against were endorsing big brands and had great financial support whereas Ric was riding his almost stickerles­s Lost and outperform­ing the others. This was not lost with the commentato­rs who spent the week singing Ric's praises, also bewildered that Ric was without a major sponsor. The financial winnings from the event will go a long way to see Ric through the rest of the Australian events and with this boost of confidence and momentum, hopefully continue on for the lad. We wish you well Ric, you've done us proud!

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