New Zealand Surfing



Age: 12 Nicknames: Mahuta, Mahutz! Noodle nut, Chief Tane, The lady’s man. Where were you born and grew up? Water time for aspiring grommets is essential, in only a matter of a few swells, the level of surfing prowess can shoot through the roof. When you have a supporting family that home school you and travel around our wave rich coast making sure they arrive in the right place at the right time in the family bus to score pumping conditions, providing hours of practice time, that advancemen­t in ability cannot be held back. Tane Bowden is the prime case study of such support, only a year ago here was this tiny grom trying to make it down the line on a wave, now in only a few months he has become this country’s most improved surfer, and the contest results are starting to flow, even against surfers much more his senior. Tane is our grom on the rise!

I was born in Taupo and I grew up in Australia, we came back to NZ when I was seven to Whangamata where I started surfing. Boards: Anderson Surfboards 5'3" x17 3/8"x 2". 5'2"x 17 1/4" x 2" both rounded square tailed thrusters. And a 4'11"x 18" x 2" swallow tail fish. Sponsors: Billabong, Kustom, Von Zipper, Palmers, Anderson Surfboards and Speed 32 Contest Results: 2012 Quiksilver King of Groms Gisborne 1st U12 and 4th U14. Billabong Grom Series 2013- Whangamata 1st U12 &U14, Mount Maunganui 1st U12 &U14 and Piha 1st U12 & U16. Taranaki Hareb Deken Motorgroms 2013 1st U12, U14 and 3rd U16. When did you start surfing and what on? I started surfing when I was about seven or eight on a small fishy kinda old school thing, Dad just took me out for a couple and pushed me into some whitewash and I loved it ever since. Who have been your biggest influences growing up in Whangamata? My brother and all the dominating surfers around Whangamata like Matt Scorringe and Rangi Ormond, and my mum and dad. If you were to attribute your success as a grom to one thing what would it be? Cause of my family, my mum dad and brother who support and do everything for me. We travel all over NZ in our bus chasing waves, we get to surf heaps and at different spots and learn each break and it's heaps of fun. Favourtie wave in NZ: All waves around Taranaki, Whangamata Bar. Worst wave in NZ: Mt Maunganui. Biggest wave tackled: 6ft Winkipop/Bells beach but it was pushing what felt like 100ft and I was scared out of my brains. Best session ever: Bird rock In Aus. it was perfect barrels on the take-off and reeling down the line. Got the best waves of my life but was super scared of the reef. Favourite surfers: Julian Wilson Tricks or power surfing? Power Surfing and tricks, but more power. Overseas travel: In 2011 I went to Bells Beach and learnt how to surf the reef breaks around that area. Waves you would most like to surf overseas: All breaks around Hawaii, Indonesia, Fiji, the Goldy, and Tahiti. Goals: To make it onto the World Tour and to win a world title. But my goal this year is to become the first Kiwi to win the Occy Grom and Skullcandy event in Australia this year. Interests: Playing ukulele and guitar, skating eating and finding waves. Favourite food: Tacos!! Who do you surf most with? My brother McKenzie. The best wave you have ever caught, where and when? At Sparrows a place near Bells beach, I got the best barrel I've ever had right in front of my brother. I was psyched. If you were a cartoon character who would you be? Finn off Adventure time. EVERY ISSUE’S DRAGON RISING GROM SCORES A SICK DRAGON PACK!

Getting kissed by Laura What annoys you the most? Flat ocean and when I'm busting to go to the toilet in the surf. Dislikes: Getting dropped in on because I'm a grommet. Best thing you ever done: Enever and starting surfing Silliest thing you’ve ever done: There's a lot of silly things! But when I was little I got a hammer and smashed the front headlights of my dad’s car cause I thought I was the Hulk. If you won lotto what would you do? Go for a trip to Indo and all round the world to surf with my Brother, mum and dad. What are your thoughts on smoking? Disgusting. Your family are planning on moving back to Aus soon, what’s the reason behind that? Well mum and dad both have work there, and for my brother and I, it will be a good chance to surf with all the Ozzie's and try and get noticed and compete in all the comps over there. We will be moving to Torquay Victoria. So when the Aussies come knocking on your door trying to claim you, where will your allegiance lie? I will always be a kiwi and surf for New Zealand yeww. Shoutouts: Mum, Dad, Brother, Matt Scorringe, the Butlers, all my sponsors, Saltwater Surf shop, Pete Anderson and everyone that has supported me in any way.

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