New Zealand Surfing


Featuring: Travis McCoy Photo: Cory We chose this image of Travis McCoy simple because it looked sick how he was framed in the bubble of a wave, it was different from anything we had published lately and the bonus was it would be Trav's first cover. What we didn't see at first was that Trav had something in his hand. Upon closer inspection we saw that Trav was in fact holding his grip pad as he was about to thread this beasty little tube. We caught up with Trav for his side of the story. "This day was sick at The Island, most of the local boys were there, it wasn't a solid day but there were some good nuggets. My grip had come off on the last surf I'd had out 'The Coast' and I didn't bother gluing it down till the next day, and as usual only just as we were suiting up at the boat ramp to head over to The Island, only leaving the glue a small window to actually settle and do its job. So of course as soon as I hit the water, boom! It came off, which always gets ya rattled right? So I had to paddle it in to the beach straight away, but as I was paddling in I managed to sniff out this bomb on my first wave and get shacked off me melon. I somehow came flying out still with the grip slotted in my hand which was epic, because I can remember thinking is this wave worth the potential risk of catching a rail on the drop or it turning into a close out and losing my precious $60 grip... and I had thought, yeah fark it why not, if I don't go the boys will think I'm a bitch! Which in the long run is worse than losing $60 if the Body Line Boys caught you pulling back! Aye Matty Hall? Haha. Those boys were the legends of The Island who I used to look up to when I was a grommy and I still do till this day. At the moment I am overseas and whenever I see these pics of the magical days at The Island it always makes me miss home and appreciate that place just that little bit more."

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