New Zealand Weddings

After the wedding

The big day might be over, but there are still some tasks to tick off your list.


◆ If you’ve decided to change your name, you should do so on all identifica­tion (think credit cards, driver’s licence and employee details) within the first 90 days of married life. Fees vary depending on where your birth was registered; forms can be found on the Department of Internal Affairs ( and NZ Transport ( websites.

◆ Aim to send out your thank-you notes within two months of tying the knot. Share the load by asking your husband to take care of the cards for his friends and family while you do yours. Include details of your updated email and street addresses if the two of you have just moved in together.

◆ Return your something borrowed, and anything else loaned by friends. Attach a thank-you note too.

◆ Get your dress cleaned – the earlier the better, and definitely within six months. Place it in a box with acid-free tissue and store it somewhere safe, cool and dry.

◆ Wrap up the financial and legal details: consider writing or updating your will, merge your accounts and finances if you haven’t already done so, and ask your accountant about the options for filing tax returns separately or together.

◆ Make any outstandin­g payments as soon as possible to settle your budget.

◆ Choose your album photos and DVD footage within the first five months, to prevent possible extra fees for leaving your selections too long. Then enjoy reliving the wedding!

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