New Zealand Weddings


Clear skin is a wish of many, but is there a magic formula to treat it?

- Written by DR CAT STONE

Is there a magic formula for clear skin?

Acne. It can be soul destroying and confidence crippling, and it’s the last thing you want to be wearing on your wedding day! Acne affects up to 85 per cent of New Zealanders aged 15 to 25, as well as a significan­t number of people aged between 30 and 50, when it’s often even more frustratin­g.

Multiple factors lead to acne, so there isn’t one ‘magic wand’ that will completely cure all acne and have your skin glowing on the day. Skin health is a journey, so if acne is something you want to treat, we recommend starting at least six to 12 months prior to your big day.

Adult acne is often less related to overproduc­tion of oil and more to do with a combinatio­n of hormones and poor skin condition, which is triggered by UV damage.

A medical skin therapist can tailor the best medical- grade skin products and treatments to use for your skin. You will generally start with Vitamin A and B3 serums that help to improve skin turnover and normalise oil production. After at least a month of using the appropriat­e skincare, you can then move on to treatments such as nutritiona­l peels, using lactic or salicylic acids, or Vitamin A to stimulate skin turnover, giving a beautiful healthy glow to the skin, as well as treating acne.

Effective acne treatment targets the root cause of the issue, by improving the skin cell turnover, and improving the communicat­ion between the cells so they shed more effectivel­y. The Face Place often use peels to treat acne, as it not only serves the purpose of exfoliatio­n, but also increases the health and function of the skin through nutrition. Vitamin A peels are an absolute fundamenta­l part of this process as they normalise cell function and reverse damage, balance oil production and increase hydration. Even with a strong hormonal influence the skin can be successful­ly treated topically. Doctor Catherine Stone shares her top tips and tricks for aging well in her book Grow Younger And More Beautiful As You Age. RRP $29.95. Lioncrest Publishing.

“Acne affects up to 85% of New Zealanders aged 15 to 25, as well as a significan­t number of people aged between 30 and 50.”

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