New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

It’s in the STARS




Mar 21 – Apr 20

The only person to count on this week is yourself! Of course, you can ask other people for their opinions and help, but it is doubtful you will find anyone who is keen to take the time. Try to stay on track and pay special attention to the things that are going to make you successful and happy.


Apr 21 – May 21

You will find your feelings are just under the surface and you do need to control them this week. There is some tension and stress at work. Make sure to stay calm because when someone says the wrong thing, you are likely to explode and let everyone know how you feel. That’s not a good thing!


May 22 – Jun 21

There is a great deal of pressure on you to resolve problems that do not have any connection to you at all. You can say no, but by the time you have explained why you will not help, you could have already completed the job. Plus, it is good karma and will earn you Brownie points.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

It is not what is being said that you need to be careful of, but what is not being said. Read between the lines and ask some questions. If the answers do not add up, walk away. It will be the best thing you have done in a long time. Someone returns a favour in an unexpected­ly wonderful way this week.


Jul 24 – Aug 23 Just be aware that someone is getting a little more involved in your life than is usual or comfortabl­e. If this is someone from work, be vigilant as you do not know what this person’s agenda is and they are not someone you would socialise with. If this is a love connection – stalker alert!


Aug 24 – Sep 23

While it is tempting to jump into new adventures, it is better to stay on proven ground. It may not be exciting and you feel as if other people are doing amazing things, but at the end of the day, you will be the one still standing. There is plenty of time for adventures later in the year.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

Do not open your wallet! You do not necessaril­y need to save money or budget, but financial energies are not that strong around you. Within the next couple of weeks, you will be pleased that you did not spend up large. This is a week to perhaps indulge in something creative you enjoy.


Oct 24 – Nov 22 Be conscious of the written word – it has a lot of power for you this week. Think about what you have to say and how it needs to be said. It is not good to text or email when you are angry or upset. You cannot convey the right emotion. Maybe save your message until you are face-to-face with the person.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

There is nobody else who quite understand­s what needs to be done, so get the party started. You may feel as if a partner or lover is holding you back, but remember you are allowing it. Think about what you want to achieve and go for it! You will be surprised by how quickly you get results.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

Being impulsive is going to be a theme this week and it might frustrate some friends or colleagues. Ignore them because other people will respond well and exciting opportunit­ies come from it. Remember, you are spontaneou­s socially and in romance – and nobody will mind that!


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Chaos brings new people, ideas and opportunit­ies into your life. What could have been a boring week turns into something quite spectacula­r. Be happy when people change plans as it gives you time to do what you want, and if that is stepping outside of your comfort zone – then go and do it.

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