New Zealand Woman’s Weekly


Sir Bruce Forsyth’s battling his latest health scare

- Judy Kean

In the past two years, Sir Bruce Forsyth has suffered two serious bouts of illness, which many people who are 89 years old would not have survived.

But thanks to his habit of taking good care of himself, the legendary TV entertaine­r appears to be bouncing back and as he would say himself, “Didn’t he do well?”

The former host of the hit TV show The Generation Game was released from hospital last week after spending five days in intensive care with a severe chest infection.

His wife, former Miss World

Wilnelia Merced, who is 30 years his junior, was at his bedside nearly the whole time and his six children also gathered at the hospital, fearing the worst.

But Bruce came through it, and a friend says, “Now he just wants to get home and slowly build his strength back up again. He remains in great spirits.”

Two years ago, he suffered another serious health scare after falling at home. Tests revealed he had two aneurysms of the aorta – the heart’s main blood vessel – which would have been fatal if they had ruptured.

After having keyhole surgery, Bruce was frail for months and was unable to attend the funerals of his dear friends Ronnie Corbett and Sir Terry Wogan.

At the time, Wilnelia (59) said, “He’s in incredible shape mentally but he does get very tired. He has a bit of a problem moving and doesn’t want to do anything publicly until he’s 100% well.”

Bruce, who started his entertainm­ent career at 11, has always been careful to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. He swears by a daily routine of stretches, passed on to him by his Puerto Rican mother-in-law, and drinks lots of water.

He has also credited being married to a much younger woman with helping to keep him healthy. Last year,

Wilnelia admitted they have discussed her future after

Bruce dies, but it’s not a subject she wants to dwell on.

“I don’t think about it too much. I hope

I will be prepared somehow, but it doesn’t feel real.”

 ??  ?? The British showman is best known to Kiwis as host of The Generation Game. Looking in good health with his wife Wilnelia at Ascot in 2014.
The British showman is best known to Kiwis as host of The Generation Game. Looking in good health with his wife Wilnelia at Ascot in 2014.

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