New Zealand Woman’s Weekly



When the news alert pinged, saying Jason Gunn was in hospital being treated for a heart attack, I let out a gasp. Not our Jase the Ace! Just like the vast majority of Kiwis, I have a soft spot for the long-serving presenter and still replay his Frank Spencer impersonat­ions in my mind on a disturbing­ly regular basis. Surely he was too young, too fit, too healthy to have suffered something so serious.

I relaxed a little when news reports suggested Jason had experience­d a “minor” heart attack – although as it turns out, Jason’s cardiologi­st pulled him up on that descriptio­n, clarifying that what he was going through certainly wasn’t minor.

It’s been a testing 10 weeks for the seemingly fit and healthy 48-year-old, who, along with his beloved family, has certainly had a shake-up – and he isn’t quite out of the woods yet. As anyone who has had a health setback would appreciate, it’s come as a turning point and really made Jase take a good look at his life and where his energies are best spent.

But of course, being Jason, he’s also approached it with a sense of humour. And he’s taken it as an opportunit­y to spread the word: when it comes to your health, you simply can’t afford to be complacent. So do Jase the Ace a favour – take a look at your family history and get your ticker looked at. He – and your loved ones – will thank you for it.

Enjoy your week!

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