New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Mushroom & onion tart


Is it a pie or is it a tart? I’m not sure it qualifies for either actually as the “pastry” is in fact a scone dough – spread haphazardl­y over the pan, tarte Tatin-style but much less fiddly. What I do know is it all works a treat and is darn delicious.

2 red onions, sliced

2 tbsp butter

2 tbsp olive oil

Few sprigs fresh thyme

1 tsp brown sugar

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

4- 6 brown mushrooms,

stalks removed


250g plain flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp sea salt

50g grated Parmesan

100ml milk

50g butter, melted

1 egg, lightly beaten

50g grated Parmesan

75g blue cheese, to serve

1 Preheat oven to 200°C.

2 Use a 20-26cm pan to gently fry the onions in 1 tbsp butter and oil, along with the thyme, brown sugar and balsamic vinegar. Cook until softened. Remove from the pan and add the remaining tbsp of butter.

Fry the mushrooms, turning a few times until cooked through. Arrange neatly, underside up, then spread the cooked onions evenly between and over the mushrooms.

3 Make the dough by sifting the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add the grated Parmesan and combine.

4 In a jug, mix the milk, butter and egg, then pour into the dry ingredient­s. Mix with a butter knife until it comes together, then turn out onto a floured surface and shape into a circle large enough to cover the pan. Carefully lift dough onto the mushrooms and onions, tucking the edges under.

5 Bake for 25 minutes until dough is cooked and crisp. Invert onto a plate, sprinkle over Parmesan and crumble or dab over the blue cheese.

6 Serve warm or hot in wedges.

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