New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

It’s in the STARS




June 22 – July 23

Don’t be surprised if you have mood swings in the early part of the week. You may need a check-up and to get some vitamins to help you regain your equilibriu­m. Make sure you get plenty of fresh air, good sleeps and good food. Keep an eye on your health and avoid getting run-down.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

A casual conversati­on with a friend turns into a major planning session and before you know it, you are about to have an adventure of a lifetime! You’ll need to nurture a child more than usual as he or she is having a tough time at school. It will pass fast and lots of hugs will help the process.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

You dialled S for success this week with your career and/or finances, so make the most of any opportunit­y. Be prepared to make some major decisions regarding your next steps. Some friends and colleagues will be very draining, and you will need to regulate your contact with them.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

If you crunch the numbers, you will find you might be able to achieve your long-term goal right now. You might have thought things would take more time, but you are in a better position than you thought. Listen to a lover or partner as what they say will impact on both your futures.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

You have been working hard on what you want to achieve but you may not do as well this week. Don’t get upset – it happens. By the end of the week, you will be back on track and will more than make up what you feel you lost. A friend will have some good news and you will be very happy for her.


Nov 23 – Dec 22 If there is something you have been considerin­g buying to make your life easier, then take it a step further. The time for thinking is over. You have looked at the numbers and you can afford it. You will be pleased you did and the difference it will make to your life will be almost immediate.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

You are full of love and you won’t be able to concentrat­e on anything else because your knight on a white horse has arrived. You will come down to earth at some stage but just enjoy every moment of falling and being in love. This is one of those times in life when you need to open your heart.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

This week, appreciate the small things that people will do for you as it’s a busy week when it comes to your job or a project you’re involved in. People do this because they love you and because you have been kind to them. There is also a financial high towards the end of the week.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Some interestin­g things will happen this week and it would be good to confide in someone. If it’s about work, find someone outside the workplace to talk to as you don’t need your feelings broadcast all over the place! Follow your instincts. If your gut feeling is to keep things close to your chest, then do so.


Mar 21 – Apr 20 Something is going on in the local community that you need to get involved in. Go for it. You have contacts that other people don’t and you can get to the bottom of the issue quickly. You will meet some interestin­g people and this may also inspire you to go a step further, such as running for council.


Apr 21 – May 21

You are ready to move ahead but you don’t have everything in place to go to the next level. Review the situation, figure out what you need and get some expert help. You will find success if you are a writer as someone is impressed with your work. If you have always wanted to write, start now.

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