New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

It’s in the STARS




Feb 20 – Mar 20

Your family think you’d rather be off on another adventure than spending time with them and that is absolutely the case. Yes, you’d love to be out there experienci­ng new things, but it doesn’t mean you love them any less. Remind them of this and promise to stay in touch. The world is yours right now.


Mar 21 – Apr 20

You are going to have to make a good first impression, despite the fact you don’t know what you are walking into. Make an effort to look good, have all your documents organised and look your audience in the eye. Be bold – there will be some very good news following this encounter.


Apr 21 – May 21

The usual emphasis at work is on quality, not quantity, but it seems the reverse is true for you this week in that you must churn out as much as you can. In order to make a deadline, you will have to accept a lower standard than you are used to. Your efforts will be recognised and rewarded.


May 22 – Jun 21 Glamour is your buzzword this week. There’s a lavish event that calls for as much bling as you can get away with. Everyone else there will have pulled out their family jewels and designer dresses, and the party will exceed your expectatio­ns. You might even be up for an unexpected award.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

Singles can expect lots of attention from a potential lover. It would seem he or she has set out to win you over and they are doing a very good job of it. By the end of the week, you could well be seeing someone. Also, make sure you look your best and smile brightly for an important photograph.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

You will feel as though you cannot finish anything this week. Don’t panic, but accept that some tasks will have to wait their turn. When the work is finally completed, take the opportunit­y to point out your achievemen­ts and ask for a review of your salary. You deserve a raise for this.


Aug 24 – Sep 23 A colleague or friend has apologised, but that does not mean you’ll want to have a friendly lunch with them any time soon. Make it clear you need a few days to cool off. Apologies are all very well and good, but what is said cannot be unsaid. You need a little more time to calm down.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

You are riding high on a resounding success. You’ve aced everything that has been put in front of you and you can now feel pleased with yourself. When a friend tells you they have done better before, ignore them – it is only sour grapes. Instead, align yourself with people who’ll celebrate with you.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

You have no get-upand-go in the mornings – in fact, you’d rather stay under the covers. However, there’s a great deal to do and nobody else is going to do it for you. Get on with it, then give yourself a reward. Your work will get done so quickly, you might even have time for a long weekend away.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

You’d like answers here and now, but it’s worth being a little less demanding and giving people the time they need. If someone hasn’t returned your business call, it could be that they are in a meeting, in traffic or helping someone out, so be patient. This could also apply to a lover’s feelings.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

Keep an ear to the ground this week. You will start off believing you love your job, but by the weekend, you could have a new career path in front of you. There will be positive changes regarding how you earn a living. This is exactly what you need at this time – a good push is well overdue.

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