New Zealand Woman’s Weekly



This week’s model Marlene shares her beauty secrets with us…

What do you put on your face if you’re exercising outside? I wear a good sunblock called SURFMUD mixed with Invisible Zinc Tinted Moisturise­r, to get the colour right as they are both tinted.

Would you wear make-up to the gym? I don’t go to the gym, but for paddle boarding and yoga, I wear a little mascara with my tinted sunblock.

What’s in your gym/exercise bag? Deodorant, lip balm, facial moisturise­r, body spray/spritzer mixed with almond oil and essential oils (for after my shower), and a body moisturise­r.

Any beauty hacks for working out? Sunglasses, peak hat, tinted zinc sunblock for my face, coconut oil for my hair as it gets very dry from the salt water and lots of water. What’s your preference for deodorant? I wear a natural deodorant because I like that it’s aluminium and parabenfre­e. At the moment, I’m using a lovely citrus one from the New Zealand natural beauty company Herb Farm.

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