New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

It’s in the STARS




Sep 24 – Oct 23

Small talk gets you where you want to be. Not heavy-duty conversati­ons of numbers and plans, but the stuff of golf handicaps, holidays and new toys. On a personal level, deep conversati­ons will not win the day, but sweet nothings will work wonders. Keep conversati­ons breezy.


Oct 24 – Nov 22 A friend or colleague is name-dropping and it becomes annoying. It seems the story is getting bigger in each telling. Walk away and let them get on with it – everyone is entitled to 15 minutes of fame. A personal meeting goes your way. Be prepared for some good news – you will be picked.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

Time to self-promote. Get in touch with people who can influence the decisionma­kers and let them put in a good word. If you’re invited to an event, go and connect with people. You’ll get help to get where you want to be. Take every opportunit­y. That gleam of gold is there for the taking.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

You may have embarked on a healthy eating plan or decided to go clean and green in the house, but motivation wanes. Don’t worry – you’ll be more inspired at the end of the week. You like to have everything properly prepared before you start something new. Also, it’s time to clean and check your car.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

If anyone will be the Energizer Bunny this week, it’s you, but there is a danger you’ll miss a meeting or overlook a detail. Stop and take a breath every now and then. Don’t rush things when it comes to romance. Partners and lovers won’t be impressed if you tell them you have only an hour for dinner!


Feb 20 – Mar 20

If you are in charge of a team, a business or similar, a pep talk is needed. Mollycoddl­ing will only make people rely on you even more. You cannot be all things to all people and each person must play their part. This applies to children as well! Time for everyone to get off your back and back on track.


Mar 21 – Apr 20 Efficiency is thrown out the window this week. No matter how hard you try, nothing will go as planned. It’s not a terrible week; it’s just not as smooth as you’d like. Words will flow so it’s a good time to start writing that memoir or the novel that’s been in your head. Use email and letters to advantage.


Apr 21 – May 21

Do the easy stuff this week. Anything that’s difficult or requires concentrat­ion can be left for a few days. Get the small stuff out of the way. It’s a perfect week to make a list of household jobs and work through it. Do a check on your car or bike as well – a small discovery could save a lot of cash in future.


May 22 – Jun 21

This is a week of healthy eating, and choosing things that are light, quick and easy to digest. You’re busy and on the go, and this is the best way to get energy. You don’t care what anything tastes like, and you have no time to sit and savour a dish. Eat and run, and you’ll have the energy you need for the week.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

You get invitation­s to everything from coffee with a friend to a ball or dinner. A new outfit will not go amiss, and shopping is on the agenda. You’ll come home with something different from what you’d planned, but you’ll have no regrets. There’s not much time for one-on-one romantic moments!


Jul 24 – Aug 23 Surrender to the flow of the week. Fighting it will waste time because you’ll end up doing what everyone around you wants anyway. A partner organises something special and you will be pleased you were the path of least resistance. A friend wants to unload their troubles, and you will get a shock.

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