New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Christmas ice cream pudding



As much as we love steamed pudding, this year we’re giving it a break for this cooling, ice cream pudding, drizzled with a brandy butterscot­ch sauce.


1 cup cream

200g mascarpone

1 tin of condensed milk

½ cup Christmas mince

Zest from 1 orange and extra

peel to garnish

1 store-bought trifle sponge

1-2 tbsp brandy or sherry

Chocolate stars, to garnish


100g (about ½ cup) firmly

packed brown sugar

½ cup ( 125ml) thickened cream

100g butter, chopped

2 tbsp brandy

1 Place a small square of baking paper in the base of a 3-cup capacity pudding bowl.

2 In another bowl, whip the cream and mascarpone to soft peak stage then slowly pour in the condensed milk, continuing to beat until it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold in the Christmas mince and zest until combined. Scrape into the pudding bowl, filling to 2cm below the top. Cut a 2cm-thick round of sponge to fit the bowl and sprinkle with brandy or sherry. Press this thin layer of sponge on top of the ice cream, seal with foil and freeze overnight.

3 To make the brandy butterscot­ch sauce, combine the ingredient­s in a small pot. Heat until the sugar dissolves, then bring to the boil for one minute. Reduce the heat and simmer, without stirring, for 2-3 minutes or until the mixture thickens slightly. Set aside to cool. This can be warmed slightly when ready to serve.

4 To serve the pudding, warm the outside of the bowl and then run a knife around the edge before turning out onto a plate. Garnish with a drizzle of sauce, orange peel and chocolate stars. Serve slices with extra sauce.

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