New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Herb-crumbed eggplant with poached eggs



2 large purple eggplants

(about 350-400g each)

2 tbsp sea salt

1 tbsp each oregano and

thyme leaves

¼ cup Parmesan cheese,

finely grated

2 ½ cups panko crumbs

1 cup plain flour

Sea salt and freshly ground

black pepper

6 large eggs

¼ cup water

Olive oil, for frying

Fresh tomato sauce or chutney Small handful basil or parsley

leaves, for garnishing

1 Preheat oven to 50°C. Line a large tray with baking paper.

Place a second large baking tray in the oven to warm.

2 Trim and slice the eggplants into 1.5cm-thick rounds. Sprinkle salt over both sides, rubbing it in as you go. Place the slices in a colander and leave to drain over the sink for about 15 minutes. Rinse and pat the slices dry with paper towel.

3 Meanwhile, finely chop the herbs and mix with the Parmesan and crumbs. Tip out onto a large piece of baking paper and spread out evenly.

4 Place the flour in a shallow dish and season with salt and pepper. In another shallow dish, whisk 2 eggs and the water together. Dust each slice of eggplant in the flour mixture, shaking off the excess. Then coat in the egg and then the crumb mixture, pressing gently to ensure the crumbs stick. Place in a single layer on the lined tray. If you have time, transfer to the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up the coating. 5 Add enough oil to a large heavy-based frying pan to come 1cm up the side and heat over a medium heat. To test if the oil is hot enough, drop in a crumb. If it sizzles and rises to the top immediatel­y, the oil is ready.

6 Place several coated eggplant slices in a single layer (do not overcrowd the pan) in the hot oil and cook for 3- 4 minutes on each side until golden and tender (when you press it, the eggplant will feel soft). Drain on paper towel and transfer to the baking tray in the oven to keep warm as you cook the remainder. Add more oil between batches, making sure it’s hot enough before adding more slices.

7 Bring a shallow pan of water to simmer over a low heat. Poach the remaining 4 eggs. Gently warm the tomato sauce. 8 Divide the eggplant slices among some plates, top with a poached egg, then warm tomato sauce and garnish with basil or parsley leaves.

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