New Zealand Woman’s Weekly





May 22 – Jun 21

Give yourself a reality check. Do you have the finances to accomplish what you want to do? Probably not, but that does’t mean you can’t get the cash you need. It might mean a second job, selling something or cutting the budget. People are happy to open their wallets for you – as you have done for them.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

It feels like you’re not the right age at the right time. Those of you who are younger will come against people saying you need more experience and to wait a couple of years. Older folk will be told they are too qualified. Do not let it beat you – prove that your age is irrelevant. You will get what you want.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

You have your eyes on the prize, so keep visualisin­g and working on it as it is nearly yours. There is a danger of being pipped at the post, so make sure you play to your strengths and focus on the small details. That is what is going to win the day. Stay organised and focused as only you can.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Being the leader can be tedious at times, but there is a need to step up this week. You must focus on your family and not be afraid to show them how much love you have. Be at the forefront at work and let people see you can take things from go to whoa. Be all that you can be and don’t hold back.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

Look to your higher self to see what you need to do for your spiritual wellbeing. A retreat is always beneficial, but you might not want something this formal – why not create it for yourself? Make a plan for your financial, career and emotional future by all means, but do not forget your spiritual self.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

You may not be happy working with a particular team or group, but needs must. These are not people you’d usually work with and may be strangers, and that is the difficulty – you do not know their capabiliti­es. Rest assured, they have the skills and dedication. Show them what you’ve got and it’ll work out.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

The travel bubbles are opening up and you don’t care where you go, as long as you go somewhere. Check the bank balance, buy those tickets and pack the suitcase. You’ll be away for longer than usual, soaking up the sun, sea and atmosphere. There’s also a hint of romance in the next few days.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

You have been kind over the last few weeks and many have benefited from your thoughtful­ness. Now it’s time to focus on your own needs and wants. There is also a tendency for an employer to micro-manage you. There needs to be a discussion in order for you to be able to work effectivel­y.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

It’s a good week to see a coach or trainer if you play a competitiv­e sport. Having an edge is important as you are close to success and getting different input is a good thing. You may want to go on a drastic eating plan, but better to keep to something simple. Focus more on technique and skills than nutrition.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

You are dancing in the rain and smiling at the sun! There is every reason to be optimistic this week with an event to attend, maybe a wedding or birthday celebratio­n. There is also an important meeting later in the week – make sure you are prepared because this meeting really counts.


Mar 21 – Apr 20

Give love your urgent and total attention. You could be in danger of losing someone you love very much because you haven’t been in their company as much or taken it for granted that they will wait for you. Organise a wonderful dinner or a weekend away. All will be well, but do not take a risk again.

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