New Zealand Woman’s Weekly




CANCER Jun 22 – Jul 23

A friend or colleague is being extremely negative and you’re wondering what their agenda really is. There’s no need for a big showdown – you can solve this quietly and effectivel­y. There is strong romantic energy for singles and even those partnered may be tempted to flirt – just be careful.

LEO Jul 24 – Aug 23

This week is about appreciati­ng the small things, like a homecooked meal, a good book, a fabulous movie or a walk with a friend. People will be doing small things for you and you’ll be delighted – especially now that you’re extra busy at work or with some kind of project you are involved in.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23

Changing your routine doesn’t mean you have to inconvenie­nce your whole life. Look at your schedule – does it really suit? You may be missing out on enjoying interests and adventures because your routine is too rigid. For those of you into sport/fitness, it’s time to set higher goals. You can do better!

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23

You’re feeling very unapprecia­ted and it is time to stop doing so much for others. You know you are being taken for granted and have taken on far more responsibi­lity than is necessary (especially at work). Do what you are supposed to do – no more and no less. Let other people do their own work.

GEMINI May 22 – Jun 21

The heat is being turned up at work and there is some stress. However, you handle it extremely well and you certainly get noticed. There is a financial reward in the form of a bonus and conversati­ons about your ambitions. A promotion is certainly something that will be offered – make sure it is all that you want before you accept. A family member needs your organisati­onal skills with a move.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22

The focus is on home. You’ll get a great deal achieved over the next few days if you are redecorati­ng a house or making over a garden. Suddenly there are people to help pour concrete, strip wallpaper and paint. You can then focus on the fun part of choosing all the colours, textures and accessorie­s.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22

Face your fears and do not allow anything to hold you back. Things are not as tough as they look at the start of the week, and once you take a deep breath and tackle the first task, you’ll wonder what the fuss was all about. There’s good news if you are applying for a mortgage or a personal loan.

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20

You are going to have to budget – it will make a huge difference by the end of the week and by the end of the month, you’ll be over the moon! If you’re already a good planner, just make tweaks here and there to maximise the savings. Look at where you shop; it might be time to change stores or brands.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19

A project, contract or romance may be quite problemati­c. However, by the end of the week, the situation will ease – people will be on board with whatever plans you have and there is a good level of trust in you. Is someone getting a little nosey? Make it clear that they have stepped over the line.

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20

Just because you’re in love, it doesn’t mean life is going to be smooth all the time. Those of you in relationsh­ips will have to be honest with a partner and this may not be welcome. Tell the truth and it will work out. There is a new colleague in your workplace who needs your guidance – it will pay off.

ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20

Do not allow anyone to rush you – whatever it is you’re focusing on needs time, energy and thought. People are excited to see the end results and will be trying to get you to finish early. You are well in time for the deadline and you’ll need to remind them of that. It’s a good time to look at new opportunit­ies.

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21

You’ll need every ounce of flexibilit­y and ability to jump from one thing to another. One minute you’ll be handling a social matter, the next a friend. You will do it all extremely well. A weekend away or indulging in whatever floats your boat will be well-earned. Spontaneit­y will be key as a surprise awaits!

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