New Zealand Woman’s Weekly





Jun 22 – Jul 23

Boldly go where no one has been before! There is an opportunit­y to go somewhere or do something that very few people get to experience. It might be to visit a building that is off limits or to witness a special ceremony. Accept the invitation – you are going to impress someone important.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

You need some extra pizzazz. Is it time for a new accessory or new shoes? You don’t need the whole wardrobe, just a few things to bring a different look and energy into the mix. If it’s not clothes that excite you, buy some new stationery. A few small items can really boost your mood right now.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

You may be a little concerned that a romantic connection is not the real deal – you can’t quite discern if this person is genuine. The thing is, if you walk away, you will never know. Take a deep breath and see where it goes – he or she is more authentic than you realise.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

You’ll feel a strong urge to do something about your career – all is well, but you know you could do better. Some of you will want a complete change, which will mean study, planning and budgeting. In six months, your life will be transforme­d and you will be well on the way to making dreams come true.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Money is your best friend – there when you need it. There is something you need to do this week – maybe a dental check or a warrant for the car? The money is there, so get it done. You will have enough left over for a meal with friends or a night on the town. A windfall makes all the difference to your plans.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

There is an interestin­g piece of news that sheds some light on what has been going on in your workplace. You all know something has been going on. Being the optimist, you feel it is a good thing, but others are fearing the worst. You are right – by showing optimism, you will benefit from the changes.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

You want to get started but everyone else is dragging their heels.

You know that if you do not get started, the opportunit­y is lost. Leave them all behind– you’ll soon see them racing to catch up and getting themselves on task. You have good leadership skills, so perhaps it is time to consider a leading role.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

You are so close! This is not the time to think you have done enough and that you can coast into the winner’s circle. There is someone on your heels and he or she only needs to kick it into another gear and they will grab the prize. Even if you know you’ve done enough – do more. Double the effort, double the win.


Feb 20 – Mar 20 Someone is making promises and you know they can’t keep them. You could let them know you have doubts, but do you let them go ahead and try? Either way it is difficult. But you are someone who gives people the benefit of the doubt. So let them try – you never know, they might just surprise you.


Mar 21 – Apr 20

There are intense conversati­ons this week and you’ll be asked to give your opinion.

If this is a lover’s discussion, then tread carefully – they may not be ready to hear it. A work situation calls for you to speak up. It’s a tightrope week when it comes to communicat­ion, but you can handle it.


Apr 21 – May 21 It would be a good idea to be a little softer around the edges.

You do have a lot to get done this week, but giving orders and being staunch is not going to get you far. Instead, shout everyone a coffee, sit down and outline what you need done. Offer an incentive – it will work wonders.

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