New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Over the TEACUPS




After buying a painting book and a few sweets, my five-yearold found she had 5 cents still to spend and wanted to buy some more lollies. I suggested that she save it for another day.

“But Mummy,” she replied, full of wisdom, “the price might go up by then!”

Jo, Avondale


I had been round the house closing the windows after my wife, who even on the coldest days insists on keeping them open. She still insisted we keep some open as “we MUST have fresh air”.

On my replying that we would more than likely die of pneumonia, she floored me with her woman’s logic: “At least we’ll die healthy.”

Mr Casey, Tokoroa


My cousin, who was in training at a psychiatri­c hospital close to Auckland, was instructed by a senior sister to “go and see if the donkey is all right”.

After doing a tour around the spacious lawns, Kay reported back, quite bewildered, that no donkey was in sight. This was greeted with hoots of laughter.

It appears that the proverbial “donkey” is not the long-eared variety, but the name given to the large black boiler used for hot water in the institutio­n.

Max, Mangere


I came across the following furniture shop advertisem­ent the other day:

“Interest-free with cash payments.”

Well, what next?


M.H., Wellington

Just engaged, my fiancé was eager to buy the ring – “Let’s go tomorrow!”

I pointed out that I had promised to look after my brother’s three pre-schoolers while they moved house.

The big innocent couldn’t understand my mirth when he said that they could come with us!

Jojo, Hillsborou­gh

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