New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

About the author… Fiona Mozley


She began writing her first novel Elmet on her phone during a long train journey.

She was working part-time in a bookshop and studying for a PhD in medieval studies when it was short-listed for the prestigiou­s Booker Prize. She now lives in Edinburgh and this is her second novel.

This novel was inspired by… Living in Soho in central London in the summer of 2013. I spent a glorious few months getting to know the neighbourh­ood properly, hanging out in bars, clubs and coffee shops. That’s when I first decided I wanted to write a multi-character novel set in the area. Beyond that, I was inspired by a lot of big 19th-century novels, particular­ly late Dickens. I knew that I wanted Hot Stew to be surreal, larger than life, eccentric, and Dickens does that so well. The most challengin­g thing about writing it was… Balancing the ideas I want to express with the complexity and unpredicta­bility of individual characters. It was also difficult to edit.

I produced so much material that I eventually had to jettison, and that’s always a wrench, even if it’s a very important thing to do. My writing habits are…

I start the day with coffee (doesn’t everyone?). I then go for a walk with my partner and our dog, either in Holyrood Park or the Edinburgh Meadows.

After that, I have several productive hours before lunch. After lunch, I’m less productive, but I find ideas beginning to emerge once again in the evening.

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