New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

What’s in YOUR STARS

Weekly astrologer Jackie Pope looks into your zodiac wealth, health and love zones


AQUARIUS January 21 – February 19 FINANCES/WORK

There will need to be some patience and planning. There are some good finacial opportunit­ies coming at the beginning of the year, so to move ahead quickly, you need some foresight. An excellent year for property sales and purchases.


This is the year where single Aquarians will find a soulmate, so getting out and about, and being able to meet people is going to be key. Life will not be so restricted, and you will have the time, money and energy to socialise. Those already partnered can look forward to a smooth and more romantic year.


Health is excellent if you keep on track. It is about choosing a regime and sticking to it. You will have confidence, be self-assured and able to take on all that comes to you this year. If anything, make sure you do not do too much for others – you will need your strength for your own goals and dreams.


A good year, maybe not as exciting as you might like it to be, but there is steady progress. Whatever plans you make for the year, you will be able to achieve them quite easily. There are no major issues or dramas. There are several big events where you will be celebratin­g with friends and family


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Uriel, the angel of students, teachers, researcher­s and inventors, will bring you out-of-theblue ideas and opportunit­ies. He will help with conversati­ons that you might have to have, able to help with learning, understand­ing and practising new skills.


The Salmon – you are enthusiast­ic, generous and inspiring. You are helpful, compassion­ate and are creative. You have a deep understand­ing of relationsh­ips and how they work.


Silver to heighten your spiritual vibration, to bring inspiratio­n, and for helping with discussion­s and conversati­ons.


Ed Sheeran: There will be some collaborat­ion with other artists – and not who his audience would expect! This is an unusual and creative year for Ed. He will push the boundaries. He will travel, but more for personal adventure rather than touring.

PISCES 20 February 20 – March 20 FINANCES/WORK

You will be starting the new year more confident, and you have a positive mindset when it comes to moving forward, learning new skills and study. Set high expectatio­ns for yourself because you will be able to reach and surpass them. This is a year for big moves.


Listen to family and friends when making big decisions as they are there to support you. They all want the best for you. Know that love is not going to find you in the usual places, you are going to have to step outside your comfort zone to find connection­s. For those partnered, there are milestones to be celebrated.


This is an excellent year for changing your physicalit­y. If you want a new body image, you have the focus and the drive to achieve it. It will be hard work, but well worth it. Overall, health is good, but there is a need to keep note of iron levels and blood sugars.


Your positive attitude and drive will carry you through 2022, and you will find that you have excellent results. You can handle anything that comes your way – although there is very little to go wrong – and if something is different, you will be the first to try it.


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Archangel Sandalphon will guide you in your career, especially if you are a singer or involved in music. Seek him to develop your skills in any undertakin­g and to show you the avenues and pathways for success. He helps lift, and maintains your vibes and moods.


The Bear – you are a person who thinks deeply about life, and observes people and situations. You are practical, and your love is powerful, deep and strong. You love to please the

people you love.


Soft and pastel pinks for universal love. To bring patience and emotional strength.


Emily Blunt: There will be some health and emotional challenges for Emily, but nothing she can’t handle. The challenges are related to being game fit for a role. There is success in a new business venture that has an environmen­tal energy.

ARIES March 21 – April 20 FINANCES/WORK

You will find your niche in the first couple of months of the year, then consolidat­e your career and work to create a strong financial foundation. There may be a need to budget in August/ September, but this is because there is something you want rather than something you need. Look to a new job/ business later in the year.


You are going to make some lifestyle changes that will impact on relationsh­ips. Be aware that partners and/or family and friends may not like your decisions, and think you are making a mistake. You may make a compromise or two, but everything works out. People will see you made the right choices.


Keep a check on your physical health as emotional stress can make an impact with headaches, loss of sleep etc. Try to keep in a good routine when it comes to sleeping, waking up and eating at regular intervals. Sometimes you forget! And that is when your health can become out of balance.


One of your greatest assets is you think with your head over your heart. You make clear-cut decisions and are practical. It is a year for putting your dreams and aspiration­s first. You have excellent momentum and there is no stopping you once you get moving.


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Archangel Ariel is all about the environmen­t and prosperity. Ariel helps you live a clean and healthy lifestyle, and supports your interests and passions. She brings a flow of all good things into your life.


The Raven – you are highly clairvoyan­t and you understand magic. Sometimes you are indecisive and that frustrates people. You are charismati­c, and excel at financial issues and running a business.


Green to bring a harmonisin­g energy to your life. For growth, fertility, abundance and prosperity.


Lady Gaga: She has the energy and enthusiasm to achieve some new and innovative work. The focus is on personal wealth and assets, which includes looking for a particular kind of property she desires. She is looking for tranquilli­ty and privacy.


There are job/business changes in the second half of the year, and you need to make sure that the contracts offered to you have all the elements that you were promised. Do your research, ask questions and make sure you thoroughly understand the job. This is a big move and everything needs to be clear.


There is a major romantic event mid-year, and whatever your marital status, this is important. It is something that needs to be celebrated, savoured and to make a big fuss about. Those wanting to be parents may get their wish.


This is a full-on year and you are going to need a rock-solid health regime. No messing about – see a nutritioni­st, your GP or practition­er and get something sorted out early in the year. You will need high energy levels and resilience. There are no underlying or hidden health issues.


You have passion and drive, and this is going to be useful because there is so much to pack into this year. There is fun, excitement and adventure. There are changes in abundance and all things good. Some unexpected news at the end of February sets the tone for the rest of the year.


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Archangel Chamuel sees everything at all times.

Ask him to find your lost keys, your wallet and he will recover it for you. He helps with global peace and can bring solutions to any conflict that you might have. He helps manage worry and anxiety.


The Snake – you love from the deepest part of your soul and are never upset by drama. You are cool, calm and collected. You have a great sense of humour and you can keep a secret.


Red for passion, depth of feeling and romantic love.


Channing Tatum: The actor will have some issues which will test his romantic relationsh­ips. He will need to stand firm in the face of adversity and make it clear where he stands on particular issues. He will be politicall­y vocal.


There are opportunit­ies to use your talents and skills. You will shine and whatever industry you work in, there is room for creativity.

Keep thinking outside the box because that is your strength and what brings in the cash!


Those who are footloose and fancy-free will not be so free – but you will be more than happy with that. Meeting someone and settling down very quickly may be a surprise to those around you, but when you meet that someone, your heart is captured. A family member is considerin­g making a move overseas and there is success for them.


Life is good. You are on a high with romance and success, so there is very little emotional or physical stress. If you are in a competitiv­e sport, it is a good year to push the envelope, train harder and set higher goals.


Because you are innovative and can see things from a different perspectiv­e, you can take opportunit­ies that other people do not see. It is a happy year, one that is lighter and brighter. There is the usual day-to-day things to deal with, but nothing that you have not already dealt with in the past.


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Archangel Zadkiel remembers everything, including the beginning of time. He will help you to be compassion­ate. He heals painful memories and supports you breaking negative habits. He increases self-esteem and strength.


The Owl – you seek the truth. You can be restless when it comes to love, but you will always be honest with a partner. You have brilliant listening skills and process everything.


Cornflower blue for dreams to come true and emotional stability.


Paul McCartney: The former Beatle is going to announce a special project in conjunctio­n with other celebritie­s. It is going to be something that will have a profound effect on ecology and the environmen­t.


There is an offer of a promotion, moving up the food chain and taking on extra responsibi­lities. However, you need to negotiate a good salary for that increase. Do not accept anything less than what your skills are worth. You are in a good position to negotiate. It is a good year to invest in a new property – something that is bigger or a secondary holiday home.


Love is extremely fabulous from the first day of the year to the last day of 2022. There are surprises, and a great deal of laughter and happiness. This happiness and love spreads outwards to your family and friends, and there is something rather special happening in spring.


Health is good, but sometimes your mind gets a little overactive. Getting out in the fresh air and breathing deeply will distract and calm your mind. There is a tendency to be tired and fatigued this autumn/winter, so make sure you do not overdo things.

You cannot do everything for everyone.


You have a great deal of empathy and understand­ing of people, and that is going to stand you in good stead. People can trust you. You have integrity, and that is going to be a big plus when it comes to finances and work. And, as you can see, you are going to be much loved.


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Archangel Gabriel helps overcome procrastin­ation and makes sure you get things done. She is a guide when you are dealing or working in the media, the arts, writing, public speaking and teaching. Call on her to promote and showcase your talents.


Snow goose – you are stoic and a strategist. You set a very high standard for yourself and sometimes disappoint yourself. You are genuine and faithful.


Gold for wealth, richness and sovereignt­y over self.


Prince William: Was born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer. He is primarily seen as being a Cancerian, like his late mother. He is going to be the best version of himself this year. Life will move very quickly for him, which begins with a situation that he expected to happen later in life, but it arrives this year.

LEO July 24 – August 23 FINANCES/WORK

Whatever your benchmark for success is, you are going to not just reach it, but exceed it. You can make significan­t steps early in the year, and by October you will have achieved the goal, then by the end of the year gone beyond. You have something that sets you apart from others. Use it to get where you want to be.


Partnershi­ps and love may not be the smoothest, and you will need some patience and understand­ing. Things will improve towards the end of March – any difference­s will be resolved and both of you will be the stronger for it. You will help a family member achieve a dream and they will show their appreciati­on.


You can handle pressure, and you know the things you need to do to relieve tension and stress. It is important you keep an eye on anything to do with teeth or the mouth, and as soon as something flares up, get it seen to.


A year where you should feel inspired and motivated. There are a couple of pressure points, but you are more than capable of dealing with them. Finances are a strong point, and you will find creating abundance effortless and rewarding.


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Archangel Raziel oversees the mysteries of life and helps you understand it all. Call on him to access your personal wisdom and remove any blocks you may have. He offers guidance on all things spiritual.


The Otter – you are a humanitari­an who wants to make the world a better place. You are fiercely independen­t and loyal to the end. You are neither predictabl­e or convention­al. You are clever, intuitive and

a nurturer.


Purple for power, for knowing what you want and need for your highest good.


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex: She will have some major personal achievemen­ts, and these will be because of her dedication and hard work. She makes the right decisions at the right time and will enjoy the competitiv­eness of the business world.

VIRGO August 24 – September 23 FINANCES/WORK

Finances are better than you could imagine. The year will seem to be bringing money every month. Whatever you do for a living improves and you are more than happy with the opportunit­ies that come your way. You will want to make more of an effort at the end of the year as you will want money for a particular project or property purchase.


If you are in a relationsh­ip, you will be wanting to take things to the next level and you are going to make sure that it happens. Singles will connect with someone a little different to their usual type. He or she may not be the love of your life, but certainly opens your mind to possibilit­ies.


Whatever feeds your soul, you need to do it – listen to music, dance, sing, meditate. There are small frustratio­ns throughout the year, but this energy is easily turned around by doing whatever excites you. It would be a good idea to have an eye test, and be careful about eye infections and issues.


You have serenity and grace, and you can absorb everything that is going on around you, not letting it affect you too much, and this makes life so much easier.

It is an abundant and loving year ahead.


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Archangel Metatron is helpful when it comes to numbers, maths, sacred geometry and quantum physics. He can help you speed up time or slow it down. He helps you move beyond the limits you have set yourself.


The Wolf – you are compassion­ate and a caretaker of your community. You are sentimenta­l, tender and considerat­e. People will follow you because you always seem to know where you are going and why. You are a protector and guardian.


Yellow for wisdom, learning and absorbing new knowledge, understand­ing yourself and your soul.


Prince Harry: His married life is full of ups and downs, but he is not going to allow it to get him down. He will put in the work, love and care to bring things into balance. There is significan­t growth for him and he receives an important political/diplomatic appointmen­t that nobody sees coming.

LIBRA September 24 – October 23 FINANCES/WORK

Money and career are on an even keel. You have enough to do all the things you want and need to do. An excellent year to consolidat­e finances and save up some cash so you can make some big-ticket purchases. An investment brings a nice reward earlier than expected. Take the money – do not be tempted to reinvest.


Love is going to be intense, positive and enjoyable. Be patient and show potential lovers what is truly in your heart, and you cannot go wrong. There is a family get-together, maybe even a holiday overseas. And someone throws a party and the surprise is on you!


Your health is good and you may want to build on what you have achieved over the past year – whatever the health goal has been. You can continue and set some bigger goals. There is plenty of vitality and energy to get you through the year.


Your adaptabili­ty will get you ahead of the game and there are opportunit­ies if you want to challenge yourself. Love is the most important element for you and there is a love that has the potential to be long-term. Finances are excellent and your wheel of fortune is finally turning in your favour.


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Archangel Jophiel is all over everything that is beautiful. You can call on her to beautify your life. She will help you with your confidence and help develop your personal style. She guides artists, beautician­s, decorators, designers and anyone who makes the world more beautiful.


The Falcon – you are a visionary, you see the bigger picture. You tend to be impatient and want things done right now. You are grounded and you make good decisions. You are a natural leader.


Turquoise for healing, calming and uplifting. Bringing you the sense of freedom and protection from negativity.


Will Smith: He has a peaceful, well-controlled 2022. He has everything lined up to give him and his family the best life they can live. He will be seen supporting something unusual, but when it is launched, people will understand his logic.

SCORPIO October 24 – November 22 FINANCES/WORK

Be ready for an overflow of work and opportunit­y. You will have to be focused, selfaware and ready to commit to something that is out of your comfort zone. Take the chance and you will have all the resources and income you need to achieve your dream.


There are some emotional decisions to be made regarding love and relationsh­ips. It may be a hard call, but you have to do what is best for you. If there is going to be a commitment, you need to know that the feeling is mutual and your partner has a similar point of view of life as you.


You are strong and if you work in a support position, you find everyone comes to you for advice. You are going to have to put some boundaries in place. You cannot help all the people, all of the time. When you are emotionall­y tired, you know you get physically run down. Know when to take time out for yourself.


Organisati­on and physical strength are your two main attributes to get you through the year. There is a definite sense of achievemen­t about you and you have the stamina to take it all the way – whatever it is you want to do.


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Archangel Jeremiel is the angel of self-help and will guide you to make the changes necessary to move towards your goals and dreams. He wants you to envision yourself in the best light. He brings enthusiasm and renewed energies.


The Beaver – you are unstoppabl­e and you do not stop working until you have achieved your goal. Sometimes a little possessive and when you find love, it is true and for life. You are open-minded and self-assured.


Orange to radiate warmth and happiness. For devotion, and to encourage enthusiasm and vitality.


Whoopi Goldberg: There is something she says that is controvers­ial and has the whole world agreeing with her. Bonds of love are stronger than ever before.

SAGITTARIU­S November 23 – December 22 FINANCES/WORK

There is a career change offered towards the end of the year and terms will need to be negotiated – what is on offer is not enough and it is not worth making a move unless the rewards are substantia­lly more. Money flows as and when you need it. There are no unexpected bills or accounts.


Live in the moment, and that concerns love, romance, family love and friendship­s. Sure, make plans, but also be flexible and spontaneou­s because there are some exciting adventures to embark on. When it comes to family, be wary of Sagittariu­s teenagers – they can be intense and demanding this year.


Overall, you are on top of the world and everything is working as it should, and you are not going to be too stressed. There is an issue around knees and legs, and you need to be careful if you are a runner, hiker or where you use your legs more than just for normal day-to-day movement. Watch your balance and look where you are going.


You are quite the trailblaze­r and nothing is going to hold you back. There is harmony, happiness and people will tend to underestim­ate you – and that is perfect because they will not see you coming. You will be so successful, it will be exciting and amazing.


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Archangel Raguel supports you and heals family situations. He is there to show you how to deepen and strengthen existing relationsh­ips, and to promote new and romantic unions. He is a diplomat and brings resolution to misunderst­andings and arguments.


The Deer – you are a peacemaker, you love completely and passionate­ly. You are brilliant in discussion­s and conversati­ons. You can be whimsical and daydreamin­g is when you do your best thinking.


Black brings boldness, sophistica­tion, formality and seriousnes­s.


Rita Ora: In her career, she has self-confidence and courage to expand and diversify her brand. She is very serious about a relationsh­ip. Everyone will be interested in this unusual coupling.

CAPRICORN December 23 – January 20 FINANCES/WORK

Make sure you shape and formulate your plans early in the year, and do not let yourself get distracted with side hustles. If you are in business for yourself, joint ventures with other people are advantageo­us and brings in extra dollars. You may feel as if you start the year out on the financial back foot, but by mid-year you are well and truly ahead.


For those who are partnered, 2022 brings a renewed sense of togetherne­ss and strength. For singles, romance flourishes and you can look forward to a long-term commitment such as an engagement or wedding. Family will be safe and well, and someone returns home.


Keep up with your daily practice – be that physical, mental or spiritual. You know what keeps you balanced and healthy. If you are prone to asthma or breathing difficulti­es, then be extra careful especially in winter and spring.


Being practical and learning new things is going to take you places you never expected. If a new skill is required, you are happy to learn it, and it pays off. Don’t feel guilty about taking time out to enjoy the life you have created.


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Archangel Azrael helps you with life transition­s. He supports you during changes in career, relationsh­ips and all stages of life. He is the archangel of counsellor­s, teachers, spiritual teachers and



Woodpecker – you are kind-hearted, devoted and faithful. You love to provide financial and emotional security for those you love.


Bronze to ground and connect with Mother Nature. Stability, strength and comfort. Attracts reliabilit­y and fidelity.


Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge: She is going to be much appreciate­d in all sectors of her life. Power and prestige surround her more than usual. She will take her place as a woman of influence in her own right. She will have extra family responsibi­lities and takes it in her stride.

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