New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Duchess in distress


Just days after the news broke about the King and Kate, it was revealed that another royal has received a shattering health diagnosis. Sarah, Duchess of York, has malignant melanoma, which has been found just months after she went through breast cancer treatment.

A spokespers­on for Prince Andrew’s ex-wife says the skin cancer was picked up shortly before Christmas when Fergie, 64, was having surgery.

“Her dermatolog­ist asked that several moles were removed and analysed at the same time as the duchess was undergoing reconstruc­tive surgery following her mastectomy, and one of these has been identified as cancerous. She is undergoing further investigat­ions to ensure this has been caught in the early stages.

“Another diagnosis so soon after treatment for breast cancer has been distressin­g, but the duchess remains in good spirits.”

The spokespers­on adds,

“The duchess wants to thank the entire medical team that has supported her, particular­ly the dermatolog­ist whose vigilance ensured the illness was detected when it was. She believes her experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, colour, texture and emergence of new moles that can be a sign of melanoma.”

In an appearance on a TV show in November, mum-of two Fergie revealed that following her breast cancer diagnosis, she was scared of getting the disease somewhere else and would often wake up at night in a panic. “You start the four in the morning syndrome,” she said on Loose Women. “You know that moment when you suddenly wake up and go, ‘Oh, I’m sure I’ve got cancer somewhere else… I’m going to go and ring my doctor.’ I’m getting over that but it’s only been a few months since my operation.”

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 ?? ?? Beatrice (left) and Eugenie are supporting their mum.
Beatrice (left) and Eugenie are supporting their mum.

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