Nor-west News

Understand­ing social media’s dark side

In the first Pasifika Youth Short Film Competitio­n, Joey Schuster from St Pauls College won Best Director Senior. Here he talks about social media.


OPINON: Social media is one of the most useful things in today’s society. It connects people with millions of others across the world, it helps us say things and be heard, and big news can be shared to billions of people by the press of a single button.

However, even though there are a multitude of good things about social media, there are also a lot of downsides that almost outweigh the benefits. I will be discussing why social media can be damaging to our relationsh­ips, and also our mental health.


Social media is the most addictive ‘‘drug’’’ in the world because close to everyone has access to it. It’s incredibly easy to download an app, or create an account.

There are more than 1 billion accounts on Instagram, and

2.9 billion on Facebook. More than 300 million people log onto Snapchat every day.

Statistics say that 5-10% of the American population alone is addicted to social media, and prefer it over real life interactio­n.

This is why so many of today’s generation are socially awkward. Relying on social media can strip kids of social skills such as body language and tone.

It’s a well-known stereotype that today’s generation cannot survive without the internet. And it is somewhat true.

And like all addictive substances, addicts will find themselves scrambling for any excuse to power up their phone, tablet, computer, television or even smart fridge. Yes, a smart fridge.

In a time where close to

4.6 billion people own a device capable of running Facebook, many can develop addiction to the internet.

For some people, the internet is their safe place. A place where they can say the things they want and be heard.

People spend less time thinking about their presence in the real world, and more thinking about their online presence/ reputation.

However, while social media can have many benefits, it should be kept in mind that there are also many issues with it that do more harm than good.

Addiction is only one of these issues. Users of social media can find themselves spending most of their time with their noses close to a screen. And over time, they will slowly begin to find it harder to communicat­e with other people in the real world.


People can become so fearful about what people on the internet think about them, that they can develop anxiety and insecurity.

Scrolling through social media and seeing hundreds of super successful or attractive people can make people feel insecure about themselves, after seeing all these people they wish they could be.

Social media can negatively affect self-esteem, and damage our life satisfacti­on, because while browsing the internet, people can begin to feel insecure and unsatisfie­d with themselves, and consequent­ly fall into depression, or anxiety. says that social media promotes negative thoughts about one’s personal image, because it promotes what the ‘‘standard’’ for physical appearance or success should be.

The internet is exceptiona­l at creating unease and depression among its younger users, who are usually addicted to it, because of its hypnotic effect.

Social media can hinder one’s ability to socialize with others. Over time, this in conjunctio­n with addiction can tear away at people’s social skills and make it harder for them to make friends and ‘‘fit in’’.

Social media users tend to blame themselves for being unable to communicat­e well with other people their age, when they should be blaming the internet and social media.

For some, existing mental health issues are worsened by being active on the internet, which usually happens when they use the internet as a form of escape – an escape from having to face their problems.

But social media can only distract for so long before the user must return back to their regular lives. Young internet users will go to school, unable to properly communicat­e with others, and fail to make good friends or any at all.

Many teenagers go to high school and become victims of bullying and are made fun of for being awkward or just unlikeable.


While bullying is quite easy to stop, because teachers or legal guardians can easily intervene, the same cannot be said for all negative aspects.

The internet has many upsides and benefits, but there are many flaws there are as well – flaws that can be incredibly damaging to the mental health of anybody. Nobody is safe from the dangers that lurk within the internet. But the best we can do is help each other.

If you have gone through a dark patch in life, whether it be because of the internet or not, maybe you could help someone through their dark patch, and get through it together

 ?? 123RF ?? Do the downsides of social media outweigh the benefits?
123RF Do the downsides of social media outweigh the benefits?
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