North Harbour News

Say on global climate change


An Arkles Bay resident hopes to make a difference in the world.

Suzy McKinney is going to the annual Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change next month in Lima, Peru.

She will join the conference as part of the Aotearoa Youth Leadership Institute delegation. It’s a charitable organisati­on dedicated to training and inspiring young New Zealand leaders by giving them the opportunit­y to attend internatio­nal conference­s around the world.

The University of Auckland medical student made it through a tough selection process to be chosen for the conference, which will be preparing to agree on a global climate change treaty next year in Paris.

McKinney hopes she will be able help put health on the climate change agenda.

‘‘Going will allow me to work together with the delegation from the Internatio­nal Federation of Medical Students’ Associatio­ns as well as the World Health Organisati­on,’’ she says.

‘‘In a paper published in the world’s leading medical j ournal in 2009, climate change was described as the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.

‘‘I believe health profession­als need to stand up and take action on climate change because of these strong links between climate and poor health outcomes for our patients.’’

While in Lima, McKinney will also be attending the Climate and Health summit.

‘ ‘ I’m looking forward to meeting motivated young people from around the world who care about many of the same issues that I do.’’

This year’s UN Convention on Climate Change will see more than 7000 attendees from government, academia, business and advocacy meet to advance internatio­nal agreements on climate change.

The delegates will be given the opportunit­y to address negotiator­s directly and influence policy while mingling with world leaders.

This year’s United Nations climate change conference will run from December 1-14.

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