North Shore Times (New Zealand)

Education and regulation to get the message out


Maritime NZ is urging boaties to take care on the water during the holidays because ‘‘nobody’s faster than disaster’’.

‘‘While recreation­al boating fatalities have declined over the last few years, complacenc­y or simple lack of care can tragically turn that around,’’ Maritime NZ director, Keith Manch, says.

‘‘That is why the theme for Maritime NZ’s summer boating campaign is ‘nobody’s faster than disaster’.’’

The campaign promotes the safer boating code. The safer boating code has been developed by the 23 boating organisati­ons, businesses, and government agencies that make up the Safer Boating Forum and sets out the guidelines:

❚ Wear your lifejacket – this is the single most important thing to do to help keep yourself safer on the water

❚ Take two waterproof ways to call for help – if you can’t tell someone you are in trouble, then no one can rescue you

❚ Check the marine weather forecast – it is not the same as on land and general forecasts, the weather will be different on the water

❚ Avoid alcohol – you know not to drink and drive, it’s the same on a boat

❚ Be a responsibl­e skipper – the skipper is legally responsibl­e for the safety of the boat and everyone on board

‘‘The campaign uses education, advertisin­g and regulation to get its message to boaties,’’ Manch says.

‘‘There are discounts on the prices of lifejacket­s, and we are also funding nine regional councils to run a trial ‘no excuses’ policy, with councils fining boaties for not complying with lifejacket rules and unsafe speed.

‘‘The award-winning ‘Virtual Coastwatch’ digital advertisin­g will be back.

‘‘It recognises when boaties’ take to the water and sends messages to their smartphone­s reminding them to put on their lifejacket­s.

‘‘Last summer Virtual Coastwatch sent 3 million messages. That sounds a surprising­ly large amount but we know between a third and half of New Zealanders get out onto the water each year in about 1 million recreation­al boats and paddle craft.

‘‘There are also events around the country, and useful videos for boaties, featuring the hosts from TV3’s popular fishing show, Big Angry Fish.’’

More informatio­n is available at the Maritime New Zealand website if you click on ‘‘recreation­al’’.

Also check out the Safer Boating NZ Facebook page for safety messages and other informatio­n.

 ??  ?? Coastguard crews were kept busy with rescues over Waitangi weekend, reminding Kiwis to take safety precaution­s before heading on to the ocean.
Coastguard crews were kept busy with rescues over Waitangi weekend, reminding Kiwis to take safety precaution­s before heading on to the ocean.

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