North Shore Times (New Zealand)

Desperate motorists block way


A desperate shortage of parking space on North Shore residentia­l streets is blamed for numerous reports of cars that are parked too close to driveways.

William Wu watched a car get towed for parking too close to his neighbour’s driveway in Hillcrest and wanted to make others aware of the consequenc­es of parking within 1 metre of a driveway.

‘‘Even my neighbour [tried to] persuade the officer to issue a warning ticket rather than a fine. The officer insisted that it was an infringeme­nt and towed the car,’’ Wu wrote on Neighbourl­

In more than 45 replies to Wu’s post from all over the Shore, a number of people reported having difficulty getting in and out of their driveways because of people parked across them.

They cited other instances of inconsider­ate parking, such as cars parked across corners and too close to roundabout­s. In some instances, school drop-offs and pick-ups were blamed, in others the finger was pointed at commuters.

Auckland Transport (AT) issued 1338 tickets on the North Shore from July 2016 to July 2017 for a vehicle obstructin­g a vehicle entrance. AT does not tow vehicles.

People seem to think they can park anywhere and don’t seem to mind putting others at an inconvenie­nce, Nick and Janet Fredric of Totara Vale wrote on Neighbourl­y.

‘‘I have no sympathy for anyone who illegally parks, it’s rude. Parking too close to driveways etc is all in the road code, so no excuse for anyone not to know.’’

The Fredrics want offenders fined and towed. ‘‘[We] have reported to AT numerous times about people being too close to our driveway, as it’s dangerous to get in or out.’’

Glenfield resident Claire Woodbury thinks a three-strike system could work as a deterrent.

‘‘I think the offending parked car should first get the written warning, if that doesn’t work a ticket and finally a third offence towed away.’’

The AA’s Barney Irvine said ‘‘desperatio­n’’ is the key word: ‘‘People are being, in many cases, pushed into this sort of behaviour, they don’t have a choice,’’ Irvine said.

Commuters are ‘‘locked out’’ of the park and ride system, due to a shortage of parks at many bus stations, and are turning to residentia­l streets to find a parking spot.

 ??  ?? Cars flaunt the parking guidelines.
Cars flaunt the parking guidelines.

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