North Taranaki Midweek

Bring pets to work for the day


If the winter months are getting you down and Murray from accounts is really getting on your nerves, then pull out the diary, because it’s time to put a big paw print on August 4.

This August, Purina Pets at Work Day is coming to an office near you (your office), and it’s the one day you can bring your furry friends to work fwithout being frowned upon.

Here is how to make your office pet friendly?

Get management and staff on board

Be sure to engage management up front so you have full support for your programme from the top down. Decide which types of pets can come to work e.g. dogs and/or cats and whether or not they need to be allocated different days. You also should establish a few ‘‘petfree’’ areas in your office (areas like restrooms, food preparatio­n areas and conference rooms). You may also want to ask about any pet allergies in the office and find ways to respect others’ comfort with pets.

Get yourself set up

Make sure you have water bowls on hand for thirsty pets, a nice warm spot for them to curl up; some toys to entertain them and if you’ve got cats coming in, a litter box or two probably won’t go astray. It’s also a good idea to put a sign on your front door letting visitors know that there are pets running loose in the office so they can be aware not to leave doors open and to expect a friendly sniff when they arrive.

Get outside

Take dogs for a walk at lunchtime and make sure you have regular outside toilet breaks to avoid any accidents. It’s also a good way to get yourself out of the office.

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