North Taranaki Midweek

Season of giving gets started


Voting is now open for this year’s recipient of the Santa’s Christmas Trees charity fundraiser. This is the sixth year business owners Luke Webster and Pip McVicar will donate a dollar from every Christmas tree sold towards a good cause in Taranaki.

‘‘We want to be a useful part of the community. We centre our business around families and Christmas, and Christmas is all about the spirit of giving. We like to give back to the community,’’ McVicar said.

Voting closes on October 14. ‘‘People just have to get on to our Facebook page, nominate a good cause and as per usual the most nomination­s wins. It’s usually about $3000, so it’s well worth it for somebody to win. It can really help them.’’

People can nominate, and vote, for any good cause operating within Taranaki. Previous recipients include Little Fighters Trust, SPCA, a kindergart­en, and several families.

‘‘This year we’ve had nomination­s for the Neonatal Trust, the Conductive Education Trust, the Kai Kitchen. It can be absolutely anything.’’

McVicar said in previous years the voting was rambunctio­us. ’’We had a bit of an interestin­g time with last year’s winner, Little Fighter’s Trust, they actually came second every year. Last year they finally got it. That was really good to see those guys come through.

‘‘They were also gifted votes by Gabby’s Starlit HOPE, which was such a lovely thing to do. It’s nice to see that our giving inspired other giving and it’s a nice follow on effect. It’s like paying it forward. It’s really nice.’’

Over the years they have donated almost $20,000 to the community. ‘‘That makes you feel like you’re making a difference when you add it up like that.’’

‘‘It’s really interestin­g to see every year two or three awesome causes come up that we just didn’t even know existed. I guess, even if they don’t win, it gives awareness of other organisati­ons that could do with a bit of a hand.

‘‘If our little competitio­n can bring awareness to other people too, that’s always a good thing. Everybody could do with a hand at Christmas.’’

To vote visit Santa’s Christmas Trees on Facebook, and trees go on sale on November 26.

 ?? YVETTE BATTEN/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Luke Webster and Pip McVicar from Santa’s Christmas Trees get into the spirit of Christmas.
YVETTE BATTEN/FAIRFAX NZ Luke Webster and Pip McVicar from Santa’s Christmas Trees get into the spirit of Christmas.

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