North Taranaki Midweek

End-of-life care, a hot topic


Organisati­ons are well known for going over the top when it comes to launching a new campaign.

Taranaki DHB’s new Advance Care Planning (ACP) campaign didn’t need to be talked up via a flashy spark of creative ingenuity.

Instead, the board aimed to spark conversati­on about people planning for their future and end-of-life care by inviting real people in the community to ‘‘Have a cup of tea and discuss ACP.’’

You would be hard-pushed to meet women more real than those in the Move It Or Lose It exercise class in Bell Block. Last week TDHB ACP facilitato­r Claudia Matthews attended their light workout to chat about ACP and to assist them in completing their own plans.

For the vibrant bunch aged-50-plus the conversati­on flowed freely - so did the cuppas.

ACP is the process for individual­s to consider, discuss, and write down their wishes about the type of medical care and treatment they want to receive in the future, including end-of-life care.

‘‘Plans are shared with their loved ones and healthcare teams so future treatment and care plans can support what matters to them,’’ Matthews said.

Valerie Howe enjoyed the chat after the fun session. She said Matthews had left her with food for thought.‘‘

If nothing’s written down and you can’t physically say what you want it’s left up to guesswork. It’s like having that peace of mind knowing everyone’s aware of what your true wishes are Howe said.

ACP is voluntary but the benefits to not only the elderly or very sick were clear. The plan recognises the significan­ce of patient, whanau and carer involvemen­t in medical decisions.

Everybody in the Move It or Lose It group was encouraged to take their ACP’s home to discuss it with the important people in their lives. ’’The key is to get people talking openly about ACP with those who matter to them.’’

‘‘It’s about normalisin­g the conversati­on and ensuring those supporting the individual are aware of the plan, if they are ever in a position where they can’t speak for themselves,’’ said Mrs Matthews.

For more informatio­n about ACP, visit www.advancecar­

 ?? CHRISTINE WALSH/ FAIRFAX ?? The Move It or Lose It women strut their stuff.
CHRISTINE WALSH/ FAIRFAX The Move It or Lose It women strut their stuff.

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