Northern News

Hands on therapy for the brain


Nothing is as vital to the enjoyment of your later years, and your quality of life, as your brain.

As baby boomers age, questions arise on how best to maintain the viability of the brain? The key to activities that improve brain function is something called transferab­ility.

One process that is available nearly worldwide is a simple hands on practice called ‘The Bars’.

Not only is it beneficial for the aging brain but has many benefits for everyone in all walks of life. ‘The Bars’ process can take considerat­ion, thoughts, feelings, emotions, decision, judgments and beliefs for any lifetime, that are electrical­ly stored in the brain, and release them.

This release occurs when ‘The Bars’’ are touched. It facilitate­s stored junk to be released.

Sharon Moana Hei of Paihia has been practising this therapy for the last six months, and has been inspired by the positive changes in her own life.

In a typical Bars session a trained practition­er places their fingers on a series of 32 different points on your head over a period of around one hour. In that one-hour session, up to 10,000 years of accumulate­d thoughts, feelings and emotions that maybe creating limitation­s and obstacles to your life can be released.

During ‘The Bars’ session, practition­ers claim that the electrical functionin­g of the brain is changed. Doctors of different discipline­s who are trained in biofeedbac­k have confirmed this. Activity typically moves from the normal waking state of Beta through Alpha into Theta brain waves of deep relaxation.

If relaxation is truly a key contributo­r to longevity, then ‘The Bars’ process can make a major contributi­on.

Sharon Moan Hei says the worst thing that can happen during a session is that you’ll feel more relaxed, similar to a fabulous massage, The best thing that can happen is your whole life can change by clearing limitation­s and a whole range of possibilit­ies can begin to open up for you and life gets much easier.

For a session, or to find our how this can help change your life, call Sharon on 020 4019 6799.

 ??  ?? Sharon Moana Hei of Paihia has been practising ‘The Bars’ for the last six months.
Sharon Moana Hei of Paihia has been practising ‘The Bars’ for the last six months.
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