Northern Outlook

Consumer NZ tips on home heating


Winter is here, and if this were most other developed countries, tonight you’d be kicking back in your warm, dry home, kept cosy by central heating and comprehens­ive insulation.

But this is New Zealand and at least 600,000 households here have inadequate or no insulation.

The Government is giving landlords until July 2019 before insulation becomes compulsory in rental properties.

Until then, if you’re in a below-par rental, here are 10 tips from Consumer NZ for making your home easier and cheaper to heat.

Consider switching energy provider: In some parts of the country, more than $1000 separates the cheapest and most expensive electricit­y retailers’ annual bill. If you rely on electric heaters or a heat pump, switching providers can slash your bills. Visit powerswitc­ to see if you’re getting the best deal for electricit­y and/or gas.

Tackle moisture at the source: A damp home feels colder and is harder to heat. Reduce airborne moisture by using pot lids when cooking, keeping kitchen and bathroom doors shut when steam is present, fitting a Showerdome and attaching security stays to windows so you can keep your home ventilated while you’re out.

DIY double-glazing: Hardware stores sell secondary glazing kits for as little as $10 per pane. Just cut the plastic film to size, tape it to the frame and use a hairdryer to shrink it to size. The film won’t last forever but you’ll significan­tly reduce heat loss from windows.

Heat smarter: If you have a heat pump, setting it to 30 degrees Celsius to warm your home faster won’t work. Select the temperatur­e you want (20-23C is optimal) and let the controller do the rest. Only leave your heat pump on all day if your home is well sealed with comprehens­ive insulation.

Fan power: Electric heaters with a fan, while noisy, are much quicker at heating a room and more evenly distribute warmth than fan-less heaters. If you like your oil-column heater, boost it by placing a small desk fan on the ground beside it.

Burn smarter: If you own a woodburner, keep it burning cleanly and efficientl­y by adjusting the amount of wood in it rather than turning down the air control. Using dry firewood of the right size (less than 110mm in diameter) maximises the surface area of the logs.

Burn cheaper: There can be huge variation in the cost of firewood between suppliers.

Clever curtains: When it comes to keeping heat in a room, how curtains are installed is more important than their material or thickness. Ensure curtains and blinds form a good seal with all sides of window frames. Floor length is more effective than sill length.

Get more bang for your buck: Use energy-efficient products and appliances to give you more financial freedom to blast your heat pump or heater for longer. Making a meal in a slow cooker costs about six cents over eight hours, compared with 50c an hour for an electric cooktop.

Rug up: A rug adds another layer of insulation – especially good on wooden or concrete floors.

 ??  ?? Staying warm at home over winter can be tough in house without adequate insulation, but even using wood of the right size in a fire can make a difference, Consumer NZ says.
Staying warm at home over winter can be tough in house without adequate insulation, but even using wood of the right size in a fire can make a difference, Consumer NZ says.

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