Northern Outlook

Dog lovers joint support secret


hili ould is an acti eretiree ho en oys doing obs around the house and al ing his dog each day. o retired hili and hisdog en i can o ten be seen al ing the streets around their neighbourh­ood ticei not three ti es er day. “e ni lo es togo or al s throughout the day hi cheese ac tie. ter an an le in ury hili as unable to al his dog each day highlighti­ng to hi the alue he laced on his obility. “ot al ing y dog as hard e otionally. e’d loo ate and ondered hy e eren’t able to go out. To hi I didn’t loo any di erent but y obility ust asn’t there. nce reco ered hili decided he as going to do hat he could to su ort his oints and obility into the uture. “y son in la suggested I try Koru utrition’s Koru Joint hich I did. “I as a little bit se tical to start ith because I thought the di erent ita ins eo le tal about don’t really or . ut I thought ell I’ll try it. I you don’t try di erent things you’ll ne er no “I tried it and ound it really beneficial. It su orted e obility ise big ti e. I ould say I al and oe confidentl­y. That’s got to be a lus. “It’s li e utting oil in the car. I you dri e a car ithout your oil. The oil lubricates the arts in the car. “I find Koru Joint is a lubricant or your oints and it su orts your oints to do their ob. I’ll be ta ing it or as long as I can. Koru Joint is a long lasting natural or ula harnessing our ro rietary in echanis to su ort soothing nourishing and lubricatio­n o healthy oints. ll hases are re uired to build on each other to su ort long ter healthy oint uscle and cartilage unction. ith o er ha y custo ers and counting Koru Joint has set a ne bar or natural oint tendon and cartilage su ort. Koru Joint has been a best seller on the internet and is no a ing it’s ay into local har acies. I you’re loo ing or a long lasting roduct to naturally ro ide in su ort then as or Koru Joint in the har acy and e erience the di erence or yoursel . Koru Joint or s ro the inside out and is best used in con unction ith Koru to ical oint crea . Always read the label and take as directed. If symptoms persist contact your healthcare profession­al. Koru Nutrition Limited, Christchur­ch.

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