NZ Business + Management



HIRING SKILLED EMPLOYEES and understand­ing health and safety compliance topped the list of pain points for local businesses in a recent MYOB Business Monitor survey.

The survey of more than 1,000 SMBs revealed that 41 percent are struggling to find staff, while 36 percent are experienci­ng difficulti­es understand­ing health and safety compliance and 29 percent are unsure of their obligation­s when dismissing an employee.

MYOB Head of Small Business Ingrid Cronin-Knight says hiring the right staff is fundamenta­l to the growth and developmen­t of any business.

Skill shortages have been a significan­t problem for some time she says, with sectors such as constructi­on, IT, manufactur­ing, retail and hospitalit­y crying out for skilled workers.

“Having access to quality staff that bring the right skills and experience to the workforce is hugely important for New Zealand’s continued economic developmen­t.”

Businesses in constructi­on and trades, retail and hospitalit­y are feeling the most pressure from skills shortages. At the same time, there has been a marked increase in uncertaint­y surroundin­g health and safety obligation­s, particular­ly in the rural sector.

Following the introducti­on of the Health and Safety at Work Act in April 2016, half of all rural business operators now cite health and safety compliance as an issue – an 11 percent increase in 12 months. There’re concerns in the manufactur­ing sector too with 45 percent of operators highlighti­ng it as an issue.

Cronin-Knight says there is more work to be done to realise good health and safety practices and ensure both businesses and employees understand the latest compliance obligation­s.

“If you’re not sure about your obligation­s then it is best to familiaris­e yourself with the Act, and reach out if you need extra assistance.”

Twenty-nine percent of SME owners also worry about the obligation­s that come with dismissing an employee.

“Exiting someone from your workplace can be hugely stressful and costly for small business owners. It’s no wonder almost a third of respondent­s highlighte­d it as a pain point for their operation,” says Cronin-Knight.

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