NZ Business + Management


- Source: Steve Nathan, Crystal Payroll.

Here’re five quick boxes to tick when searching for, or changing to, a payroll provider:

1. Know why you are changing and what outcomes you want.

Before you even start talking to vendors, work out why you’re changing. What are the key features and/or benefits you’re looking for? What’s your timeframe? Have you got the resources to make the change? What is your budget (don’t disclose this)? Create a checklist of these things and make sure each vendor can get you where you want to go.

2. Show me, don’t tell me.

There’re plenty of good salespeopl­e out there who’ll tell you “of course it can do X”. Changing payroll systems impacts every employee so you must be confident the system will do what you need and be shown this. Does it feel intuitive? Is there a simple flow? Will you get the reports and exports you need? Does it meet all requiremen­ts of the Holidays Act and Employment Relations Act?

3. Be wary of ‘smoke and mirrors’.

Just because a provider has a flash website, big marketing budget, or has a high profile, doesn’t mean their product will match. So do your due diligence.

4. Trust is key – what is the provider’s track record?

How long has the provider been in the market? How big is their client base? Do they have clients (which they will disclose) in your industry? Can you get access to a trial account?

5. Will I be dealing with humans?

Payroll is about people and getting timely support is critical. There’s a trend to reduce support and training services and make all communicat­ion online via email or messaging. This is particular­ly true if the system’s supported offshore. Payroll is too important and can’t wait, so having access to free phone support is critical. Ask if you can speak to an existing client to see what the support and training is really like.

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