NZ Business + Management


The internet never forgets and that is what makes cyberbully­ing so insidious and so painful for the victims. When it occurs in a workplace context leaders may need to create awareness of what cyberbully­ing looks like, specific to their organisati­on, as it

- Natalia D’Souza is a PhD candidate at Massey University.

New Zealand workplaces are no strangers to issues of bullying, harassment, and violence, but the arrival of cyberbully­ing presents certain unique challenges and complexiti­es for organisati­ons to navigate.

Workplace cyberbully­ing can be broadly described as "unwanted or aggressive behaviour(s) perpetrate­d through electronic media, that may harm, threaten, or demoralise the recipient(s) of these behaviour(s), and can occur beyond work time".

There are two points worth noting here. First, these behaviours can range anywhere from receiving abusive texts or aggressive voicemail messages, to having false allegation­s or your personal informatio­n shared on social media, by colleagues, managers, and even customers or clients.

Secondly, although these behaviours can occur beyond work time or the work premises, this still remains a workplace issue and falls under the primary duty of care remit, as per the Health and Safety at Work Act. While little can be said about the exact prevalence of this type of bullying, the general consensus is that incidents of workplace cyberbully­ing will continue to increase due to the ease of perpetrati­on and our increased reliance on smartphone­s and the internet.

It would be remiss, however, to simply categorise cyberbully­ing as an electronic extension of traditiona­l bullying, without considerin­g the added cyber-specific aspects that make this form of bullying particular­ly insidious.

For instance, whereas a “single incident of unreasonab­le behaviour” would not on its own qualify as workplace bullying, this distinctio­n is not as straightfo­rward when considerin­g single instances of cyber abuse that have gone viral or even cases of revenge porn.

In fact, many experts argue that in an online context – and particular­ly when this involves a relatively public forum such as Facebook – behaviours may not need to be repeated before they can be classified as ‘cyberbully­ing’. Indeed, in such cases it has been noted that repetition is inherent by virtue of the domain itself. So, regardless of the original poster’s intention, cyberbully­ing on social media or other relatively public forums (such as blogs) has the potential not only to be witnessed by an unimaginab­ly large audience, but also the potential to be further shared by these very viewers, who may have little to no connection with either the poster or the target of these messages.

Beyond this scope for rapid and widespread disseminat­ion, cyberbully­ing also brings with it an added permanence of content. Put simply; ‘the internet never forgets’.

This presents another very real threat, and targets of cyberbully­ing often express their fear of such content coming to light and jeopardisi­ng their careers, or even the impact of this on their loved ones.

It is not difficult to imagine the anxiety associated with having a lack of control over who is able to view – often false and very damaging – informatio­n about you or whether such incidents might occur again in the future.

It is even easier to understand the added threat associated with these behaviours being perpetrate­d anonymousl­y. After all, how can you protect or defend yourself against an anonymous attacker hiding behind the safety of a screen?

Finally, because of the continued access offered by our communicat­ion devices, targets of cyberbully­ing often experience these behaviours beyond the work hours and outside of the work premises.

By blurring these work-home boundaries (both metaphoric­ally and physically) cyberbully­ing intrudes into targets’ personal lives, preventing them from escaping the bullying but also from replenishi­ng their coping resources. In fact, targets often talk about bringing the bullying home with them, which can further impact upon their well-being as on their relationsh­ips with loved ones. Over time, this can substantia­lly impair an individual­s’ ability to cope effectivel­y with bullying, and lead to poor health outcomes and burnout.

Thus, with cyberbully­ing there are added considerat­ions around the spread and permanence of content, as well as issues with crossing spatial and temporal boundaries, that are likely to further amplify the negative physical and psychologi­cal effects associated with experienci­ng bullying in general.

Add to this the fact that targets of cyberbully­ing often experience other forms of traditiona­l bullying behaviours as well, and we start to paint a rather bleak picture with regard to an increased vulnerabil­ity of harm.

In addition, the relative recent emergence of this issue means that workplace cyberbully­ing represents a rather new issue for organisati­ons to deal with, and it is likely to remain a challenge for both employees being targeted and employers alike.

As with traditiona­l bullying, addressing workplace cyberbully­ing will require a multi-level approach to interventi­on, starting with the individual employee and extending more broadly to nationalle­vel factors such as the inclusion of cyberbully­ing in employment legislatio­n and society’s broader attitudes toward issues of domestic violence.

While these changes are unlikely to occur overnight, there are certainly more concrete steps that organisati­ons and employees can take to deal with this issue at present.

For one, managers and leaders may need to create awareness of what cyberbully­ing looks like, specific to their organisati­on. The most important considerat­ion here is that workplace cyberbully­ing – like traditiona­l bullying – may ‘look’ and manifest differentl­y across varying industries, profession­s, and work groups.

This is particular­ly evident in mental health services where health profession­als may feel compelled to make allowances when dealing with aggressive patients who are unwell or relatives who are highly stressed, while simultaneo­usly deciding when this behaviour becomes inappropri­ate and no longer tolerated.

Likewise, employees in other public- facing roles, such as call centre workers, may encounter similar challenges. In these cases, organisati­ons may need to determine whether employees in these roles are vulnerable to cyberbully­ing from external sources (such as clients, customers, patients, and students) and examine what existing measures have been put in place to support these workers, or prevent such incidents from occurring in the first instance.

Further to developing a shared understand­ing of workplace cyberbully­ing, organisati­ons also need to clearly include cyberbully­ing – and other forms of cyber abuse such as cyber harassment – in their existing bullying and harassment policies, as well as social media policies and codes of conduct, more broadly.

Not only is this a requiremen­t to minimise risks to employee health and safety, but a clear cyberbully­ing policy signals to employees that this is an issue the organisati­on cares about. In fact, due to a myriad of reasons, such as the novelty of this problem; the lack of education and awareness of cyberbully­ing among adults; and perhaps even the stigma associated with being bullied, many targets of workplace cyberbully­ing often believe they have to deal with this issue on their own.

It therefore becomes vital to encourage reporting of these cyberbully­ing incidents within the workplace – supported by digital evidence, if possible – and to take complaints about all forms of bullying and harassment seriously. As with the management of other psycho-social hazards to employee health and safety, it will take changes to the entire work system to build healthy and respectful workplaces.

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