NZ Business + Management



Millennial­s crave collaborat­ion, innovation, flexibilit­y and autonomy and want work with purpose. And they need a different type of leadership from the traditiona­l, transactio­nal kind. Erica Barden says they require leaders who care, are authentic and ethical, and serve a wider network and need. Enter the servant leader.

Millennial­s crave collaborat­ion, innovation, flexibilit­y and autonomy, and want work with purpose. And they need a different type of leadership from the traditiona­l, transactio­nal kind. Erica Barden says they require leaders who care, are authentic and ethical, and serve a wider network and need. Enter the servant leader.

It makes sense that without followers there can be no leaders. Likewise, without a high performing team, a leader can’t be successful. As more and more millennial­s enter the workforce, they’re not interested in following someone because they have a grandiose title, corner office, or long tenure - that’s more likely to garner disdain than respect.

A recent study on millennial workplace preference­s found that 88 percent of participan­ts prefer a collaborat­ive work culture, 79 percent want a manager to serve as a coach or mentor, and that 64 percent want to help make the world a better place (Asghar, 2014).

Positional power and traditiona­l hierarchie­s just don’t cut it anymore – 20 to 30-year-olds need something else. They want work with a purpose, and a leader who is invested in them – and their wider community.

Enter servant leadership. While the concept sounds contempora­ry, servant leadership is actually an ancient philosophy that can trace its background to the Tao Te Ching, a Chinese philosophi­cal and religious text, dating

back to somewhere between 570 and 490 BC. It is also found in other early texts such as the Indian treatise Arthashast­ra and The Bible, and was echoed in the teachings of leaders such as Gandhi, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King Jr.

Servant leaders put the needs of others first and, in a work environmen­t, they help people attain their highest performanc­e potential. Servant leadership turns the power pyramid upside down: instead of people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people.

Robert K. Greenleaf popularise­d the phrase ‘servant leader’ in 1977 after he queried traditiona­l command-and-control notions of leadership and authority. He suggested there was a better approach to leadership, and advocated leaders serving others, such as employees, customers, and their community. Instead of focusing on self-promotion, Greenleaf recommende­d leaders make the needs of others a priority.

In his The Servant as Leader essay, Greenleaf writes about the motivation of servant leaders:

“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possession­s.”

This construct sits nicely alongside the motivation of many millennial­s, who value collaborat­ion, creativity and community and are inclined to forgo consumeris­m in favour of wanting to make a positive difference in the world.


It stands to reason that to achieve successful outcomes, leaders must encourage others to succeed. This is an underpinni­ng principle of Agile, where leaders “meet the needs of their teams while modeling collaborat­ion, trust, empathy and ethical use of power.” (Agile Certified Practition­er, 2016).

Within the Scrum framework – the most popular and most practiced Agile approach globally – there are only three

roles, one of which is ‘ Scrum Master’. The person filling this role is a facilitato­r and coach, helps remove impediment­s to progress, and is responsibl­e for creating an environmen­t in which the team can flourish. Training material literally states that Scrum Masters act as servant leaders (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2016; Who is Scrum Alliance? 2016) and their core objective is to ‘care for people’ and help the rest of the Scrum team be successful.

In practice, this means: • Leading by example. • Creating an environmen­t of safety

and support. • Listening without judgement. • Respecting individual­s’ abilities. • Removing any obstacles to success. • Helping the team work better together.

As part of my 2016 research into how leaders enable the successful delivery of Agile projects, I interviewe­d 10 participan­ts who had recently delivered, or were currently leading, an Agile project. A recurring theme was the importance of servant leadership, as evident in these sample quotes:

“In Agile you become more of a servant leader and play a support role. It’s not about you – it’s about your team and enabling your team to succeed.” (Participan­t B – a Scrum Master in the education sector.)

“Managers must sacrifice their vanity and forego their traditiona­l power. Agile leaders are servant leaders first, and put their team first. The idea is to coach and support them, and do everything possible to help the team be successful.” (Participan­t I – a banking Agile Delivery Lead.)

I was surprised that these participan­ts referred specifical­ly to servant leadership without prompting, but their familiarit­y with the term, and practice, was a result of their Scrum Master training.

While not Scrum certified or Agile trained, Participan­t F (an Agile Project Manager in the digital creative space) captured the concept of servant leadership when she explained the capabiliti­es of her ideal leader. “I always find the best leaders are ones who don’t make the work their own. They enable you, they empower you. They’re there if you need them. They’re there to support you. They want you to do a good job, but don’t do your job. They help you succeed.”

While not directly naming servant leadership, this participan­t highlighte­d her preference for a manager to support and empower a team to realise their potential, and this is the cornerston­e of the servant leadership approach.


The flip side of leadership is followersh­ip. Defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as the ‘capacity or willingnes­s to follow a leader’, followersh­ip theory is concerned with the characteri­stics and behaviours of individual­s acting in relation to leaders (Archibald, 2015).

Naturally without followers there can be no leaders, and it has been suggested that leaders only really accomplish something by permission of their followers. While personal experience supports this, it also makes sense that to achieve successful outcomes, leaders must encourage their teams to be successful. This requires managers to surrender their ego and place the needs of their team before themselves, thus acting in a servant leader capacity.

For these brave leaders to be truly successful, it is imperative that they create and nurture followers who are committed to their vision, are loyal and steadfastl­y supportive. This is particular­ly important for Agile leaders who no longer have traditiona­l, positional power to rely on, and instead must develop relationsh­ips and build trust and support among their followers.

Likewise, good followers serve their team, their leaders, their organisati­on, and community. In this regard they too are servant leaders – in their desire to ‘serve first’ and ensure other people’s requiremen­ts are met before their own.

As such, the practice of servant leadership is as valid for followers as it is for leaders.

According to Statistics New Zealand, millennial­s are now the single largest age group in New Zealand, and they’ll make up the majority of the labour force within five years.

These digital natives crave collaborat­ion, innovation, flexibilit­y and autonomy, and want work with purpose. As such, millennial­s need a different type of leadership from the traditiona­l, transactio­nal kind. They require leaders who care, are authentic and ethical, and serve a wider network and need.

I believe that a move to servant leadership is unattainab­le for most ‘old school’ autocratic managers, who often run their teams by intimidati­on and fear. These managers enjoy their hardwon status too much to give it up and become a servant-leader.

However, this group is waning. As baby boomers retire they’re replaced by Generation X, who need to learn how to lead Generation Y – a generation that doesn’t value the traditiona­l trappings of corporate success, and instead are motivated by lifestyle choices and making a positive difference.

Conversely, many of these millennial­s are turning their backs on the ‘establishm­ent’, creating their own businesses, being their own boss, and practicing socially-responsibl­e leadership.

Regardless of the location or industry, when leaders shift their mindset and change their behaviours to serve others, they unlock the purpose and potential in those around them. This results in higher performanc­e and engaged, fulfilled employees – regardless of their age, role or organisati­on. And this benefits all of us. As a project, programme and change manager for more than 20 years, Erika Barden’s expertise ranges from bringing products to market in a lean start-up environmen­t, to assisting multi-national mergers. She has led successful projects in NZ, the UK and Ireland, and her focus in recent years has been introducin­g Agile concepts and techniques to organisati­ons. She was selected as an inaugural member of the Master of Advanced Leadership Practice (MALP) programme at Massey University, Auckland. She runs Agile masterclas­ses and workshops for the Institute of Management New Zealand.

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