NZ Business + Management

Why work is changing

Collaborat­ion, flexible working conditions and mobility are driving productivi­ty today.


New Zealand is seeing a major shift in its workplace culture, not only on a technologi­cal front as artificial intelligen­ce and the Internet of Things gain traction, but also in the way that people want to work.

They want to work when and where they want, they want flexibilit­y and mobility and they want their employers to empower them to work in these new ways.

But are New Zealand organisati­ons stepping up the plate? A recent study by Microsoft has found that the changing face of the Kiwi workforce has resulted in a need for organisati­ons to foster a new culture of work to achieve digital transforma­tion success. But 72 percent of those surveyed felt that more could be done by their organisati­on to invest in culture developmen­t.

Microsoft’s Asia Workplace 2020 Study highlighte­d that employees in New Zealand do not feel empowered to embrace the demands of the digital workplace.

While 69 percent of New Zealand respondent­s consider themselves to be mobile workers and spend at least 20 percent of their time working outside of their offices, only 31 percent feel empowered by their organisati­on’s culture to be able to work together productive­ly and collaborat­ively. Only 24 percent agree their organisati­on is committed at a leadership level to ensure every employee is included in closing the digital skills gaps.

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