NZ Business + Management



Payday filing involves your payroll informatio­n being sent electronic­ally from your payroll software to IR with every pay run. This new secure direct connection to IR will require an upgrade to your payroll solution. If your operating systems are old, they will also require an upgrade.

It is estimated that 60% of payroll packages in use today will need to be replaced.

Ask your existing payroll provider:

When your payroll solution will be ready for payday filing If they offer multiple payroll products, where does your solution sit on their priority roadmap? If they are rationalis­ing their product offerings and pushing you onto a newer cloud product, make sure the functional­ity on the accounting side (payroll and accounting software are usually in the same suite) will not go backwards or be inferior to what you could get by having a broader review of your options

Think about whether you have outgrown your current solution:

Especially if you have stock and debtors (like wholesaler­s, distributo­rs and manufactur­ers) Facilitate discussion­s on the six barriers facing medium businesses. Are any of these relevant to your business? Consider whether there are opportunit­ies to improve other areas of your business at the same time

Decision checkpoint – decide now whether your payroll solution will be upgraded or replaced for payday filing

If an upgrade is sufficient, get yourself on the latest version of the software now. This will minimise the impact of any final payday filing updates closer to the 1 April 2019 deadline

You should also check for any customisat­ions or add-ons that may be impacted by the upgrade

If new software is required, you need to use a payday filing enabled commercial payroll software like Attaché Payroll

Regardless of your approach, check your hardware and software specificat­ions are robust enough to meet all payday filing requiremen­ts

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