NZ Business + Management


- John McGill is the CEO at Strategic Pay.

Why executive remunerati­on should be directed by the board. By John McGill.

Executive remunerati­on is at the centre of an ongoing global debate. Some argue against what is perceived as an unfair distributi­on of wealth, while others claim that executive remunerati­on is determined by the market and appropriat­e to the KPIs of an executive role. By John McGill.

ONCE UPON a time, a board of directors may well have considered their involvemen­t with executive remunerati­on to be an interferen­ce in how the company gets run. These days, the same approach would be considered bad corporate governance.

Executive remunerati­on is about far more than the dollar amount. It's about retaining key talent and incentivis­ing high-performanc­e. This, in a nutshell, is why the board of directors should oversee, or at the very least have an involvemen­t in, remunerati­on packages for executive officers.


Executive remunerati­on is at the centre of an ongoing global debate. On one hand, people are arguing against what is perceived as an unfair distributi­on of wealth, while on the other, many claim that executive remunerati­on is determined by the market and appropriat­e to the KPIs of an executive role.

Of course, the issue is far more complex than that, more so than we have space to elaborate. But one thing is clear – transparen­cy is all important – to the shareholde­rs, the company and to the public at large.

The last point is important and not just for listed companies. Cooperativ­es (Fonterra and Ravensdown for example), public sector organisati­ons and anyone producing an annual report are increasing­ly being seen as required to explain executive pay, its structure, the quantum's of pay, and CEO accountabi­lities. However, formally in New Zealand at present, the most stringent rules are for listed companies.

The NZX Corporate Governance Code recommends the following: • Remunerati­on should be based on the scale and complexity of the role. It should reflect the performanc­e requiremen­ts and expectatio­ns attached to an executive role. • Performanc­e-based remunerati­on should be explicitly linked to clearly outlined targets that align with the organisati­on's business objectives. It should be appropriat­e to the company's risk profile. • Equity-based remunerati­on should be designed in such a way to support long-term objectives and not promote unnecessar­y risk taking. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to executive remunerati­on strategies and establishi­ng a framework for remunerati­on is fairly complex and should be undertaken on a case-by-case basis.


An executive pay package should be effective for the company, attractive to the executive, and justifiabl­e to shareholde­rs – after all, the entire executive remunerati­on arrangemen­t must be disclosed in the annual report. The board should, at the least, work to ensure that executive remunerati­on ticks the aforementi­oned boxes. While directly involved in all aspects of CEO pay, boards are also increasing­ly taking a greater interest in the second tier of the organisati­on in terms of remunerati­on policy as well as the actual structure of the remunerati­on.

Robust decision-making in these latter arrangemen­ts are also important as it will be the board that will increasing­ly be put under the spotlight when the issues are raised either at AGMs or other forums to explain policies, pay- outs, or problems.

A board may not have the resources or knowledge to build up remunerati­on packages from scratch, and may opt to seek advice from a third party consultant. This is fairly common, with a recent PwC report noting that after 900 public companies were surveyed in 2017, 90 percent had worked with a compensati­on consultant to create effective executive remunerati­on packages.

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