NZ Business + Management



1. Define your goals.

What do you want to achieve through your social media presence? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or improve customer engagement? Also, think of the journey your audience needs to take to make the purchase. Remember, you wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on your first date. You need to build trust, attraction and a kinship before you’re on bended knee, and this is the same with your audience on social media.

2. Know your audience.

Understand who your target audience is and where they are active on social media. Consider factors such as age, gender, interests, and buying habits to help you determine the platforms most relevant for your business. This will help you choose the right platforms to focus on and tailor your content to their interests.

3. Choose the right platforms.

With so many social media platforms available, it’s important to choose the ones most relevant for your business. For example, if you’re a B2B company, Linkedin might be the most effective platform for reaching your target audience. On the other hand, if you’re a B2C, then Meta, Tiktok or Pinterest may be a better fit. Consider your audience, goals, and resources. But don’t try and be on all platforms at once if resources are limited.

4. Develop a content strategy.

Determine what type of content you want to share on social media and how often you want to post. Create a content calendar to help you stay organised and ensure that you have a steady stream of content to share. Organise your content in pillars throughout the week. Think Hero (big tentpole moments to raise awareness); Hub (regularly scheduled push content designed for your prime prospects); Hygiene (‘pull’ content designed for your core target audience).

5. Your community is everything.

Put them at the heart of everything you do. Engage with your followers. Remember social media is a two-way conversati­on. This means responding to comments and messages, sharing user-generated content, and engaging with other businesses and individual­s in your industry.

6. Data is everything.

It should inform your business at all levels – from the content you put out; who your audience actually is, as well as making larger strategic business decisions. Monitoring your progress is critical. Use analytics to track your progress and measure the impact of your social media activities. This will help you see what is, and isn’t, working and make data-driven decisions about your strategy moving forward.

7. Stay up to date.

Social media is constantly evolving, so stay informed about the latest trends and changes in the platforms you use. Experiment with new features and strategies, and be willing to adapt your approach.

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