NZ Life & Leisure

The joy of a studio


“Having a studio at home is the culminatio­n of many years of longing for my own art room. It’s a place where I can focus on my painting, unobserved. To have your own studio is to be at one with your painting on a journey together, without any distractio­ns or demands. It’s not a large space, just 3m x 3m, separate from the house and positioned in a sunny courtyard. It’s set up so everything is at my fingertips. The shelves are crammed with reference books, paints, brushes, solvents, sketchpads, canvases, pencils and cloths. I have hung a collection of small paintings for inspiratio­n. There are rulers of various sizes, a couple of houseplant­s and a floor that’s never swept. During times of contemplat­ion I can look out to the courtyard through a wall of windows and glass doors and watch nature and the changing light. I’ve pinned the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann to a wall. It was one of Mum’s favourites.” See Elaine’s work at wrightwill­

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