NZ Lifestyle Block



The pretty, smelly weed

Location: mostly in the northern North Island

Distinctiv­e features: Lantana is native to tropical America and was a popular garden ornamental in warmer regions when it was legal to sell it. It is a 3-5m high shrub with scrambling, prickly, square stems and lots of branches. It has pungent-smelling, dark green leaves; some people say it smells of citrus, others say it’s similar to mint or camphor. The leaves are crinkled and rough, with toothed edges. It has showy, 2–3cm wide flowerhead­s, usually cream, yellow and pink, but sometimes red and orange, year-round. It produces small clusters of poisonous, green, berry-like fruits, which ripen to juicy purple-black.

Why is it weedy: drought and semi-shade tolerant; forms dense thickets; roots secrete a toxin that prevents other plants growing around it; seeds widely dispersed by birds.

How to kill it

Lantana is very difficult to control. Herbicide treatment is recommende­d over physical removal, as any root fragments left in the ground will sucker and quickly reinfest the area. It recovers well after fire.

1. Spray (best in November-december): glyphosate (100ml/10l + penetrant) or Tordon Gold (10ml/l).

2. Cut down and paint stump (all year round): glyphosate (200ml/l).

3. Dig out, if herbicides cannot be used, when plants are small. Leave on site to rot down.

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