NZ Lifestyle Block

Monkey apple


A weedy old hedge tree

Location: nationwide

Distinctiv­e features: grows 6-15m, smooth bark, oval, leathery leaves which are glossy on top, aromatic when crushed. White flowers from October-january, then pinkmauve-white berry-like fruit. Often found growing as hedges (it’s traditiona­l use until it was banned from sale).

Why is it weedy: can live over 100 years, produces enormous amounts of seeds that are dispersed widely by birds, especially pigeons. Grows very fast, fills in gaps in bush as it easily overtakes native trees.

How to kill it

Monkey apple is hard to kill. It reseeds quickly, and stumps can grow shoots. Control needs to be carried out over at least six months, and bare soil needs to be planted quickly.

1. Pull or dig seedlings (all year round). Leave on site to rot down.

2. Cut and squirt (all year round) or bore and fill; make 1 cut or hole every 10cm around the trunk, apply a slurry of metsulfuro­n-methyl 600g/kg (2g) to each cut or hole.

3. Cut down and paint stump (all year round); metsulfuro­n-methyl 600g/kg (5g/l).

4. Frill (continuous cut), treat with metsulfuro­n-methyl 600 g/kg (4g/l + penetrant)

5. Spray (spring-autumn), metsulfuro­n-methyl 600g/kg (5g/10l + penetrant).

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