NZ Lifestyle Block

It was the worst case of VHCFD I’ve ever had.

- Nadene Hall, Editor

There’s a common condition that can afflict some block owners every so often. It can be virulent among new block owners, but seasoned veterans can still contract it.

VHCFD – Very High Cute Factor Disease – is where you spot an animal of some kind for the first time in real life, and completely, unexpected­ly, you must have it. MUST HAVE IT.

The problem with being the editor of NZ Lifestyle Block, is I’m often meeting people who have livestock with a VHCF and I have very little immunity to it.

The first time I was infected was while doing a story on miniature horses. I love horses, but I did not get minis. You can’t ride them. You can’t milk or eat them. Why?

Her property was a long slope. Around 20-or-so minis were a couple of hundred metres away, at the bottom of the hill. She called them and I sat down with my camera, ready to get a photo as they charged up towards us.

I never got the photo. I was completely enraptured. Within seconds, I was surrounded by these tiny, perfectly-formed horses, enveloped in delicious ‘horsey smell’ (the good kind, not the manure kind). They were curious, affectiona­te, like dogs in horse form.

It was the worst case of VHCFD I’ve ever had. It took a long lecture from my barefoot hoof trimmer about his really bad back to put me off.

This month, we meet some people who have gone to extraordin­ary lengths to get the cutest sheep in the world. The cute factor of Valais Blacknose sheep is so high, these NZ breeders contracted VHCFD from a photo. Meet Abraham (below) and his girls on page 18. I’m resisting temptation.

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