NZ Lifestyle Block

Winter on the block

- Words Nadene Hall

- 5 things your stock will thank you for this winter - DIY: light your fire

Healthy stock easily cope with the cold. But combine cold, wind, and rain, and stock can become stressed. Here are three ways to help them cope better in winter conditions.

1 Minerals

Livestock can get almost all the nutrients they need from good quality pasture.

But when stock come under stress, such as bad weather or from pregnancy, you’re more likely to see health issues caused by a deficiency.

Various regions of NZ have soils with low mineral content. Most are free-draining, sandy, or gravelly soils, low in clay, oxide, and organic matter.

Common deficienci­es you may see include:

iodine, common in North Island pasture, especially during spring when stock need more due to the demands of lactation, and reproducti­on (in cattle);

copper in cattle, which can cause reduced growth rates, fertility and calf survival – zinc treatments for facial eczema can worsen a copper deficiency;

selenium, especially in lambs, causing poor growth rates, white muscle disease, ewe infertilit­y, and poor quality sperm in rams;

magnesium in cattle, especially during late pregnancy and early lactation;

sodium, especially inland soils (eg, Central Plateau pumice, volcanic soils of the Waikato, King Country, inland Marlboroug­h, Canterbury, Otago and Southland, and animals on kikuyu-dominant pasture;

cobalt, especially in pumice soils, which helps animals to synthesise vitamin B12, important for metabolism and growth.

Mineral ‘licks’ are one way to supplement an animal’s diet but won’t be enough to correct a serious deficiency. Another issue is some animals don’t touch them at all, while others take in more than they need.

What should you do?

talk to your vet about known deficienci­es in your area, and how to test for them; (many require a blood test or liver sample, best taken in early spring-summer);

what supplement­s may be required; (eg, injectable, bolus, drench, added

Mineral licks usually contain a high level of salt, as it’s used to ‘carry’ the more important ingredient­s, eg copper.

to fertiliser);

choose pasture plants with high trace mineral levels, eg clover, chicory, plantain, lotus;

have several licks positioned around communal areas (eg, water troughs, trees), ideally in covered feeders to stop licks from hardening, or washing away.

2 Treat stock for lice

Lice population­s on sheep and cattle are highest in winter.

The heaviest infestatio­ns will be on the lightest/poorest conditione­d animals and the youngest.

There are two basic types of lice, body/ biting lice (which feed on skin debris), and sucking lice (which suck tissue fluid and blood). Sheep lice can only live and reproduce on sheep; cattle lice can only live and breed on cattle.

What should you do?

treat lice on sheep when animals are shorn, ideally at the beginning of summer when lice numbers will be at their lowest, and again in autumn – shearing removes up to 80 percent of lice but should be immediatel­y followed with a chemical treatment. Talk to your vet about the best options.

treat cattle in autumn – talk to your vet about the best treatment options.

3 Provide shelter & shade

Winter is the best time to plant trees for shelter, shade, and windbreaks. Research has found stock are less stressed, use less energy trying to stay warm or cool down, and have better growth rates and milk production if they have shade and shelter.

What should you do?

plant shelterbel­ts on flat land at right angles to the prevailing wind;

on slopes, plant rows that run from top to bottom, to help cold air drain away;

young livestock like to lie up against dense, impermeabl­e shelter plants, eg flax; ■

the best shelterbel­ts allow air to filter through, slowing (but not stopping) the wind for a distance up to 20 times the shelterbel­t’s height. It encourages stock to graze a wide area, even during poor weather.

Read more:

3 essential types of shelter

15+ shelterbel­t tree suggestion­s

10+ trees for fire-resistant shelterbel­ts

Stock are less stressed, grow faster, and produce more milk when they have shelter from cold winds, and shade from summer heat.

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