NZ Lifestyle Block

Tip of the month


Keeping the chicken coop clean is important for your flock’s health and your own. Incorporat­ing a good quality disinfecta­nt into your coop cleaning regime helps to minimise the risk of disease for your birds.

Virkon™ S is a fast acting, multipurpo­se disinfecta­nt effective against many diseases that backyard poultry in NZ are at risk of being exposed to including fowl pox, Marek’s disease, infectious bronchitis, enteritis, and fowl cholera. Virkon™ S is also effective against campylobac­ter and the most prevalent salmonella strains responsibl­e for food poisoning.

Virkon™ S can be used on surfaces in the coop, when cleaning feeding or drinking equipment, and is completely safe for both you and your chickens. Purchase from your local Farmlands branch.

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