NZ Lifestyle Block

Are farmers’ markets more expensive than your supermarke­t?


A recent survey by Farmers’ Markets New Zealand (FMNZ) has found you can often save money by shopping strategica­lly at your local market.

Ten markets – Bay of Islands, Hamilton, Cambridge, Gisborne, Taranaki, Nelson, Amberley, Lyttelton, Otago, and Southern – compared their prices for similar, seasonal foods with local supermarke­ts. It focused on primary foods such as vegetables and fruit, and where available, eggs, meat, fish, honey, and bread.

The survey found for the same amount of goods:

of the farmers’ markets baskets were cheaper than the supermarke­t, by 4-30%; •

one market had the same prices as the nearest supermarke­t;

one market was 14% more expensive than the supermarke­t.

When comparing only fresh fruit, vegetables, and eggs, all farmers’ market baskets were cheaper.

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