NZ Lifestyle Block

2 other important ways to protect stock health



Vaccinate with a broad-spectrum 10-in-1 vaccine, which covers some of the possible causes of abomasal bloat (see page 51). A lamb or kid reared on its mum should be fine with a 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vaccine.


Add probiotic bacteria to bottles of milk from a young age. Choose a product using a non-gas producing bacteria such as Bifidobact­erium animalis.

Beware of using an acidophilu­s yogurt as a probiotic as it often comes mixed with other bacteria that do

produce gas. Simply adding probiotic yoghurt to milk at the time of feeding doesn't prevent bloat, and may increase the risk, as some of the bacteria in probiotic yoghurt produce gas.

‘Yogurtisin­g' milk does use acidophilu­s yogurt to prevent abomasal bloat (read more on page 51).

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